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Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
03/16/2021 Regular
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7/14/2021 3:42:53 PM
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7/8/2021 4:07:17 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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such term. All terms shall begin on the same date as City Councilmember <br />terms as provided in section 400 of the Charter. <br />c) If a member of a board or commission absents himself or herself from two <br />(2) regular meetings of such board or commission, consecutively, unless <br />by permission of such board or commission expressed in its official <br />minutes, or fails to attend at least one-half (1/2) of the regular meetings of <br />such board or commission within a calendar year, or is convicted of a <br />crime involving moral turpitude, or ceases to be a resident of the City <br />, the office shall become vacant and shall be so <br />declared by the City Council. <br />d) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the members of such boards <br />and commissions shall serve for a term of four (4) years and until their <br />respective successors are appointed or qualified, but in no event shall any <br />persons be eligible for reappointment who has served three (3) <br />consecutive terms of four (4) years each, irrespective of what seat or <br />seats the member is appointed to by the City Council. Notwithstanding <br />the foregoing, one seat shall be a city-wide seat having a two (2) year <br />term which coincides with that of the Mayor, and which shall be limited to <br />four (4) consecutive terms. Short or partial terms (as defined for City <br />Council in Section 401 of the Charter) shall not be considered. Unless <br />otherwise provided by ordinance of the City Council for a board or <br />commission having more or less than seven (7) members, the terms of <br />three (3) of the members of each such board or commission shall begin on <br />the date of the beginning of the term of office of council members elected <br />at every second general election commencing with the April, 1983 general <br />election, the terms of three (3) other members shall begin on the date of <br />the beginning of the term of office of council members elected at every <br />second general election commencing with the November, 1984 general <br />election, and one (1), as designated by the City Council, shall coincide <br />with the term of the mayor. It is the intent of this section that the term of <br />office on boards and commissions shall be concurrent with the term of <br />office of council members. Thereafter, any appointment to fill an <br />unexpired term shall be for such an unexpired period. No person shall be <br />eligible for appointment to a board or commission who completed a term <br />on the City Council immediately preceding that board or commission term. <br />(e) For boards and commissions with at least seven (7) members, the City <br />Council shall designate six (6� board and commission seats by ward, and <br />one city-wide. These designations shall be solely for the purpose of <br />nominations and calculations of terms as provided in this Section 2-326. <br />0 <br />ra i - 8-3 3/16/2021 <br />
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