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Except for purposes of the fifty -percent (50%) nomination rule in <br />subsection (a) above, residency in that ward is not required. <br />Sec. 2-327. —Prohibition against serving as treasurer for campaign committee. <br />If any member of an appointive board or commission shall become the treasurer <br />of a campaign committee which receives contributions for any candidate for mayor or <br />councilmember, his or her office shall become vacant and shall be so declared by the <br />City Council. No person who serves as the treasurer of a campaign committee which <br />receives contributions for any candidate for mayor or councilmember shall be eligible for <br />appointment to any appointive board or commission. <br />Sec. 2-328. —Meetings; chairperson; recording secretary. <br />The election of each chairperson and vice -chairperson shall be held at the <br />meetings of the respective boards and commissions during the month of July of each <br />year. The board or commission, in the event of a vacancy in the office of the <br />chairperson or vice -chair person, shall elect one of its members for the unexpired term. <br />The chairperson shall have the responsibility for informing the City Council of board, <br />commission, or committee actions or inactions and the reasons therefore. <br />The City Manager or his or her designee shall designate a secretary for the <br />recording of minutes for each of such boards and commissions, who shall keep a record <br />of its proceedings and transactions. Each board and commission shall prescribe rules <br />and regulations governing its operations which shall be consistent with the charter, this <br />code, and shall be filed with the Clerk of the Council for public inspection. The <br />personnel board shall meet monthly, provided there is business on the agenda to come <br />before it. <br />Sec. 2-329. — Reserved. <br />DIVISION 3.- PERSONNEL BOARD <br />Sec. 2-330. —Personnel board -Membership. <br />The personnel board shall consist of seven (7) members to be appointed by the <br />City Council from the residents of the City. None of the members shall be removed <br />from office without reasonable and sufficient cause, in accordance with procedures as <br />provided by ordinance. None of the members shall hold public office or employment in <br />city government or be a candidate for any other public office or position, be an officer of <br />any local, state or national partisan political club or organization, or while a member of <br />the personnel board or for period of one (1) year after he or she has ceased for any <br />reason to be a member, be eligible for appointment to any salaried office or employment <br />in the service of the City. <br />City Council 8— 1 g Ordinance 6 XX <br />age 47 of 14 <br />