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a) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in matters pertaining to the <br />acquisition, capital improvements, rehabilitation and maintenance of parks and <br />recreational, cultural, zoo and facilities; <br />b) Act in an advisory capacity and consider the proposed annual budget for the <br />Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Agency and make <br />recommendations to the City Manager and/or City Council; <br />c) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in recommending policies and/or <br />legislation on all matters pertaining to parks, recreation and community services; <br />d) Perform such other duties as may be directed by the City Council; <br />e) Act in an advisory capacity and provide a recommendation to the City Council <br />and the City Manager as to the acceptance or rejection of offers of donations of <br />money, personal property or real estate to be used for recreation and parks <br />programs; and additionally, it shall make recommendations on the sale, transfer, <br />or usage of existing or future park property; and <br />f) The commission shall report annually to the City Council on its goals and <br />accomplishments. <br />Sec. 2-335-2-349. Reserved. <br />DIVISION 5 - PLANNING COMMISSION <br />Sec. 2-350. - Establishment. <br />There is created and established a planning commission for the city pursuant to <br />Santa Ana city Charter section 900. <br />Sec. 2-350.1 —Planning commission -Membership. <br />The planning commission shall consist of seven (7) members to be appointed by <br />the City Council from the residents of the City, and no member of said commission shall <br />hold any paid office or employment in City government. <br />Sec. 2-350.2 —Planning commission- Powers and duties <br />The planning commission shall have the power and be required to: <br />a) Periodically review the City's General Plan; <br />b) Make studies and plans for future civic land use, including use as public <br />recreation facilities, <br />c) Annually review the City's capital improvement program solely for <br />consistency with the General Plan; <br />City Council 8 — 21 Ord inance 6 XX <br />age of 14 <br />