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EXHIBIT 1 <br />Emergency Rental Assistance Program Spending Plan & Appropriation Adjustment <br />February 16, 2021 <br />Page 5 <br />to deploy $2.6 billion in Federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) <br />resources to assist struggling tenants and landlords impacted by the economic damage <br />of COVID-19. Staff is attaching information from the Business, Consumer Services, and <br />Housing Agency that explains these state funds further (Exhibit 7). <br />The State received a direct allocation of ERAP funds from the Department of Treasury <br />for the City of Santa Ana similar to the City. The City received a direct allocation of <br />$9,880,391.30 and the State received an allocation of $10,633,695.01 that must be <br />designated for the City of Santa Aria. This is a total of $20,514,086.31. <br />Regarding the State's allocation for our City, the following are the three options for cities <br />and counties with over 200,000 in population: <br />1. State Program: Participate in a central state program where both federal allocation <br />and state allocation are managed on behalf of the City or County by a Community <br />Development Financial Institution partnered with the State; or <br />2. Self -Administer: Receive a state block grant allocation and self-administer the <br />City's share of rental funds in a manner consistent with state and federal program <br />requirements; or <br />3. Self -Administer and State Administer: If a City or County chooses to self- <br />administer its federal allocation but chooses to not conform their local program to <br />the state requirements, it is not eligible for a block grant. Landlords and tenants <br />located in their jurisdiction may still apply to the State Program (administered by a <br />CDFI) for a proportionate share of the state funds, but the responsibility to manage <br />duplication of benefits will rest with the City or County. <br />To summarize, the State is offering the City three general options: 1) give our $9.8 million <br />back to the State to administer a State Rental Assistance Program; 2) enter into a contract <br />with the State for a block grant of the $10,633,695.01, but with the caveat that we must <br />administer the funds in conformance with the State's Rental Assistance Program, or 3) <br />self-administer our own allocation of $9.8 million and the State will administer their $10.6 <br />million for the City of Santa Ana. <br />The State's Emergency Rental Assistance Program will be administered statewide by the <br />Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) and includes the following key parameters <br />per SB 91: <br />• The State's rental assistance program will provide eligible landlords with <br />immediate relief through the payment of 80% of their tenants' rental arrears <br />accumulated between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021. Landlords, in turn, agree <br />to accept this payment as payment in full of any unpaid rent for that period. (This <br />is nearly identical to our CARES for Landlords Program that we administered from <br />August 17, 2020 to December 15, 2020.) <br />• In cases where a landlord chooses not to participate, an eligible tenant may apply <br />to the program for 25% of their rental arrears, which will be paid to the landlord. <br />City Council 9 — 10 7/6/2021 <br />