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B. The following definitions are added and apply <br />1. The "terrorism" is carried out by means <br />under this endorsement wherever the term <br />of the dispersal or application of radioac- ' <br />terrorism, or the phrase any injury or dam- <br />tive material, or through the use of a nu - <br />age, are enclosed in quotation marks: <br />clear weapon or device that involves or <br />1. "Terrorism" means activities against per- <br />produces a nuclear reaction, nuclear radi- <br />sons, organizations or property of any na- <br />ation or radioactive contamination; or <br />ture: <br />2. Radioactive material is released, and it <br />a. That involve the following or <br />appears that one purpose of the "terror - <br />preparation for the following: <br />ism" was to release such material; or <br />(1) Use or threat of force or vio- <br />3. The "terrorism" is carried out by means <br />lence; or <br />of the dispersal or application of patho- <br />genic or poisonous biological or chemi- <br />cal materials; or <br />gerous act; or <br />4. Pathogenic or poisonous biological or <br />(3) Commission or threat of an act <br />chemical materials are released, and it <br />that interferes with or disrupts <br />that <br />appears that one purpose of the "terror - <br />electronic, communication, <br />ism" was to release such materials; or <br />information, or mechanical sys-an <br />tem; and <br />5. The total of insured damage to all types <br />of property exceeds $25,000,000. In de - <br />b. When one or both of the following <br />termining whether the $25,000,000 <br />applies: <br />threshold is exceeded, we will include all <br />(1) The effect is to intimidate or co- <br />insured damage sustained by property of <br />erce a government or the civilian <br />all persons and entities affected by the <br />population or any segment <br />"terrorism" and business interruption <br />thereof, or to disrupt any seg- <br />losses sustained by owners or occupants <br />ment of the economy; or <br />of the damaged property. For the purpose <br />(2) It appears that the intent is to in- <br />of this provision, insured damage means <br />timidate or coerce a govern- <br />damage that is covered by any insurance <br />ment, or to further political, <br />plus damage that would be covered by <br />ideological, religious, social or <br />any insurance but for the application of <br />economic objectives or to ex- <br />any terrorism exclusions; or <br />press (or express opposition to) <br />6. Fifty or more persons sustain death or se- <br />a philosophy or ideology. <br />rious physical injury. For the purposes of <br />2. "Any injury or damage" means any in- <br />this provision, serious physical injury <br />jury or damage covered under any Cov- <br />means: <br />erage Part or Policy to which this en- <br />a. Physical injury that involves a sub- <br />dorsement is applicable, and includes but <br />stantial risk of death; or <br />is not limited to "bodily injury", "prop- <br />b. Protracted and obvious physical dis- <br />erty damage", "personal and advertising <br />figurement; or <br />injury", "injury" or "environmental dam- <br />age" as may be defined in any applicable <br />c. Protracted loss of or impairment of <br />Coverage Part or Policy. <br />the function of a bodily member or <br />C. The following exclusion is added: <br />organ. <br />Multiple incidents of "terrorism" which occur <br />EXCLUSION OF TERRORISM <br />within a 72-hour period and appear to be car - <br />We will not pay for "any injury or damage" <br />ried out in concert or to have a related pur- <br />caused directly or indirectly by "terrorism", <br />pose or common leadership will be deemed <br />including action in hindering or defending <br />to be one incident, for the purpose of deter - <br />against an actual or expected incident of "ter- <br />mining whether the thresholds in Paragraphs <br />rorism". "Any injury or damage" is excluded <br />C.S. or C.6, are exceeded. <br />regardless of any other cause or event that <br />contributes concurrently or in any sequence <br />to such injury or damage. But this exclusion <br />applies only when one or more of the follow- <br />ing are attributed to an incident of "terror- <br />ism": <br />Rick ManagemoeE DfWeian <br />REVIEWED & APPROVED BY.' <br />l <br />ilY �u.+d�.>•z �.. V�QecnaFl <br />Page 2 of 3 Insurance Services <br />Office, Inc., 2015 ® ftk Management Analyst <br />
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