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EXHIBIT A <br /> ITT- <br /> IrILIRT•ZOLLARB,INC,.28.03 Main%reel Sole 400 'Nino,CA.02C144260•94osea.5015 phone.'849.988,5820 tax'hullezoIlars,aim <br /> R307513.19 <br /> 05.14-20 <br /> REVISED <br /> 05-15-20 <br /> EXHIBIT "A" <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> RIGHT OF WAY FEE AQUISTION <br /> MN 016-150-09 <br /> That portion of the land allotted to James McFadden, as described in the Final.Decree of <br /> Partition of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ma,which was entered September 12, 1868 in <br /> Book B, Page 410 of Judgments of the district court of the 17th Judicial District in and <br /> for Los Angeles County, in the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange,State of California, <br /> more particularly shown on the Record of Survey filed in Book 25,Page 3, of Records of <br /> Survey, in the office of the County Recorder of said county, described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the intersection of the Westerly Southern Pacific Railroad Company Right <br /> of Way line as described in that certain Grant Deed recorded in Book 210, Page 33, of <br /> Deeds,in said office of the County Recorder,as shown on said Record of Survey and the <br /> Southerly line of the easement for street purposes described in that certain Deed,recorded <br /> April 5, 1966, in Book 7890, Page 714,of Official Records, in said office of the County <br /> Recorder, being the Southerly Right of Way line of Warner Avenue, 40.00 feet wide as <br /> now established; thence along said Westerly Right of Way line South 01°23'57" West <br /> 1150 feet to a line parallel with and 12.50 feet Southerly of said Southerly easement line; <br /> thence leaving said Westerly line along said parallel line North 88°29'43" West 126.31 <br /> feet to the beginning of a curve concave Northerly, having a radius of 6,085.00 feet; <br /> thence leaving said parallel line Westerly 231.92 feet along said curvet through a central <br /> angle of 02°11'O l" to the beginning of a reverse curve having a radius of 7.00 feet; thence <br /> Westerly and Southwesterly 5.38 feet along said curve through a central angle of <br /> 44°02'03" to the beginning of a reverse curve having a radius of 23.00 feet; thence <br /> Southwesterly and Westerly 17.93 feet along said curve through a central angle of <br /> 44°39'33" to the beginning of a reverse curve having a radius of 22,526.00 feet; thence <br /> Westerly 124.53 feet along said curve through a central angle of 00°19'00"; thence non- <br /> tangent North 88°23'57" West 81.60 feet to the Easterly line of Emmett's Addition of <br /> South Santa Ana,per map filed in Book 8,Page 13, of Miscellaneous Maps, in said office <br /> of the County Recorder, as shown on said Record of Survey; thence along said Easterly <br /> line North 01°20'34" East 9.79 feet to said Southerly Right of Way line of Warner <br /> Avenue; thence along said Southerly Right of Way line (he following two (2) courses: <br /> South 88°30'26" East 3039 feet and South 88°29'43" East 555.20 feet to the Point of <br /> Beginning. <br />