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VVr <br />.'UP-0 <br />'ROCE� <br />A-2021-119 <br />01 Pwp- <br />u) <br />lte�; <br />PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY <br />AND BILATERAL ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS <br />THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter "PSA"), entered into on July6, 12 0 2 1 , between <br />the CITY OF SANTA ANA, a charter city and municipal corporation duly organized under the Constitution and laws <br />of the State of California (hereinafter "City" or "Buyer"), and SPS Technologies, LLC, a Pennsylvania limited liability <br />company, successor by merger to Cherry Aerospace LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (hereinafter <br />"Seller"), regardless of number or gender; <br />THEREFORE, for and in consideration of their mutual promises, covenants and agreements, and on and <br />subject to the terms, conditions and provisions of this PSA, Seller agrees to sell to City, and City agrees to <br />purchase from Seller, (a) fee title to that certain real property legally described on attached Exhibit A and shown <br />as an area consisting of 6,801 square feet on the plat map attached as Exhibit B (the "Right of Way Fee <br />Acquisition Area") and (b) a one hundred eighty (180) day temporary construction easement ("Temporary <br />Easement") on, over, and above that certain real property described on attached Exhibit A-1 and shown as an <br />area consisting of 8,503 square feet on the plat map attached as Exhibit B-1 (the "Easement Area"). <br />The Right of Way Fee Acquisition Area and the Easement Area are a portion of the real property commonly <br />known as 1224 E. Warner Avenue, Santa Ana CA) <br />(APN 016-150-09) <br />The Right of Way Fee Acquisition Area and the Easement Area are sometimes referred to herein together as "Said <br />Real Property". <br />Said purchase and sale of fee title to the Right of Way Fee Acquisition Area and the Temporary Easement on, <br />over, and above the Easement Area shall be in accordance with and subject to all of the following terms, <br />conditions, promises, covenants, agreements and provisions, to wit: <br />1. Conveyance by Seller; Grant by Seller. <br />A. At Closing on the Closing Date (described below), Seller agrees to convey the Right of Way Fee <br />Acquisition Area to City, by Grant Deed in form attached as Exhibit D (the "Grant Deed"). Closing shall be <br />through escrow at the office of Commonwealth Land Title Company, 4100 Newport Place Drive, Suite 120, <br />Newport Beach, California,. <br />B. At Closing on the Closing Date, Seller and City agree to enter into a Temporary Construction Easement <br />Agreement in form attached as Exhibit E (the "Temporary Easement Agreement") pursuant to which Seller <br />shall grant to City a one hundred eighty (180) day temporary easement on, over and above the Easement <br />Area. <br />2. Title to be Conveyed. Seller agrees that, except as may hereinafter be otherwise expressly provided, at <br />Closing on the Closing Date, the Right of Way Fee Acquisition Area shall be conveyed by Seller to City, as <br />aforesaid, by Grant Deed, free and clear of any and all conditions, restrictions, reservations, exceptions, <br />easements, assessments, profits, limitations, encumbrances (whether monetary or non -monetary, general or <br />specific, including any and all leasehold interests), liens, clouds or defects in title, except those exceptions shown <br />in Paragraph 15 below. Seller further agrees that acceptance by City of any deed to said real property, with or <br />without knowledge of any condition, restriction, reservation, exception, easement, assessment, profit, limitation, <br />encumbrance (whether monetary or non -monetary, general or specific, and including any and all leasehold <br />interests), lien, cloud or defect in title, shall not constitute a waiver by City of any right which might accrue to City <br />because of the failure of Seller to convey title as hereinabove provided. <br />110933392.4 0060972-00016 <br />