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Thousand One Hundred Thirty and no/100 Dollars ($4,944,130.00) (the "AHSC Loan"), <br />subject to the terms and conditions of: (i) a regulatory agreement restricting the use and <br />occupancy of the Development and the income derived therefrom which shall be dated as of <br />even date herewith and recorded concurrently herewith as an encumbrance on the Property in <br />the Official Records (the "AHSC Regulatory Agreement"), and (ii) other loan documents. The <br />AHSC Loan will be evidenced by a promissory note (the "AHSC Note"), the repayment of which <br />will be secured by, among other things, a deed of trust by Borrower as trustor, to Senior Lender <br />as beneficiary recorded concurrently herewith as an encumbrance on the Property in the Official <br />Records (the "AHSC Deed of Trust") and by such other security as is identified in other loan <br />documents. "(The AHSC Regulatory Agreement, the AHSC Deed of Trust, the AHSC Note and <br />all other documents evidencing or securing the AHSC Loan are collectively referred to herein <br />as the "Senior Lender Documents.") <br />D. The Senior Lender is willing to make the AHSC Loan provided the AHSC Deed of <br />Trust and the AHSC Regulatory Agreement are liens, claims or charges upon the Development <br />prior and superior to the Junior Lienholder Documents, and provided that the Junior Lienholder <br />specifically and unconditionally subordinates and subjects the Junior Lienholder Documents to <br />the liens, claims or charges of the AHSC Deed of Trust and the AHSC Regulatory Agreement. <br />AGREEMENT <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties hereto and <br />other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and <br />in order to induce the Senior Lender to make its AHSC Loan, it is hereby declared, understood <br />and agreed as follows: <br />1. The AHSC Regulatory Agreement and the AHSC Deed of Trust securing the <br />AHSC Note in favor of the Senior Lender, and any and all renewals, modifications, extensions <br />or advances thereunder or secured thereby (including interest thereon) shall unconditionally be <br />and remain at all times liens, claims, or charges on the Development prior and superior to the <br />Junior Lienholder Documents, and to all rights and privileges of the Junior Lienholder <br />thereunder; and the -Junior Lienholder Documents, together with all rights and privileges of the <br />Junior Lienholder thereunder are hereby irrevocably and unconditionally subject and made <br />subordinate to the liens, claims or charges of the AHSC Deed of Trust and the AHSC Regulatory <br />Agreement. <br />2. This Agreement shall be the whole and only agreement with regard to the <br />subordination of the Junior Lienholder Documents, together with all rights and privileges of the <br />Junior Lienholder thereunder, to the liens, claims or charges of the AHSC Deed of Trust and <br />the AHSC Regulatory Agreement, and this Agreement shall supersede and cancel any prior <br />agreements to subordinate the claims, liens or charges of, but only insofar as would affect the <br />priority between the claims, liens or charges of the Junior Lienholder Documents to the AHSC <br />Deed of Trust and the AHSC Regulatory Agreement including, but not limited to, those <br />AHSC Subord. Agrmt. Page 3 of 9 <br />(NOFA— 01/29116) <br />Rev: 11/08/2018 <br />Prep: 08/03/2021 (City of Santa Ana Loans) <br />Dow Santa Ana Arts Collective <br />Loan No.: 16-AHSC-11199 <br />