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ENDORSEMENT <br />(TO BE ATTACHED TO CERTIFICATE) <br />Effective Date of Endorsement: / 021 <br />Cancellation Date of Endorsement: 3/31/2022 <br />Certificate Holder: The Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange <br />13280 Chapman Ave. <br />Garden Grove, CA 92840 <br />Location: Catholic Charities of Orange County <br />1820 E thin Street <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Certificate No. 9129 of The Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America Is amended as follows: <br />SECTION it -ADDITIONAL PROTECTED PERSON(S) <br />It is understood and agreed that Section II - Liability (only with respect to Coverage D - General <br />Liability), is amended to include as an Additional Protected Person(s) members of the organizations shown <br />In the schedule, but only with respect to their liability for the Protected Person(s) activities or <br />activities they perform on behalf of the Protected Person(s). <br />It is further understood and agreed that coverage extended under this endorsement is limited to and <br />applies only with respect to liability assumed by contract or agreement: and this extension of <br />coverage shall not enlarge the scope of coverage provided under this certificate or increase the limit <br />of liability thereunder. Unless otherwise agreed by contract or agreement, coverage extended under <br />this endorsement to the Additional Protected Parson(s) will not precede the effective date of this <br />certificate of coverage endorsement or extend beyond the cancellation date. <br />Schedule -ADDITIONAL PROTECTED PERSON($) <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Risk Management Division <br />20 Civic Center Plaza <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702 <br />Remarks (the following language supersedes any other language in this endorsement or the Certificate in <br />conflict with this language): <br />Coverage only extends for claims directly arising out. of Catholic Charities Rental Assistance Program <br />partnership with die City of Santa Ana commencing on September 1, 2021 and expiring on March 31, <br />2022. The City of Santa Ana, its officers, employees, agents, and representatives are named as additional <br />protected except as it pertains to their own active negligence. This coverage is primary and non- <br />contributory. <br />CMRS Excess Liability $700,000 XS $300,000 CM1C Auto Liability, Total Auto Liability $1,000,000, <br />fnsk Management spvairut <br />PKS-122(1P11) <br />