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not reimburse Attorney for Lexis, Westlaw or other paid legal research subscription services unless <br />the issue(s) researched relates to a complex legal matter or assignment that is approved in writing <br />by the City. Automobile travel will be reimbursed at the standard mileage rate in effect at the time <br />of billing by the Internal Revenue Service. Any costs in excess of $5,000 require City Attorney <br />approval prior to incurring the expense. All expenses must have supporting documentation submitted <br />with the invoice. <br />3. METHOD OF PAYMENT Attorney shall submit a monthly statement specifying the <br />services performed, dates and number of hours, and an itemization of expenses related thereto with <br />supporting documentation (i.e. receipts, invoices, copy of check, etc.). City acknowledges that the <br />fees incurred for work performed by Attorney on its behalf are due and owing within 30 days of <br />the work being performed. At Attorney's discretion, he may choose to defer payment. <br />Notwithstanding this, City agrees that it shall tender payment within 30 days of written demand <br />by Attorney for payment. Unless expressly stated thereon, monthly statements generated by <br />Attorney shall not constitute written demand, but shall simply be a written reflection of work <br />performed and fees incurred. <br />4. CONTROL OF LEGAL MATTERS Attorney agrees that each and every matter or <br />proceeding in which they undertake to assist the City Attorney, as aforesaid, shall be and remain <br />under, and subject to the control and direction of said City Attorney at all stages, and that they shall <br />at all times keep the City Attorney informed of all matters pertaining thereto. City will keep Attorney <br />informed of all significant developments in matters relating to any representation undertaken by <br />Attorney. Attorney further agree, if and when their retention hereunder is terminated by City, as <br />hereinafter specified, they shall return to City Attorney any and all files then in their possession <br />concerning each and every matter or proceeding in which they represented the City pursuant to this <br />Agreement. <br />5. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Attorney agrees to keep the City Attorney, and any other <br />person(s) designated by the City Attorney, informed of significant events in the Actions, including <br />but not limited to trial date, filing of motions for summary judgment, hearing date for motion for <br />summary judgment, settlement conference date, and mediation date. Attorney also agree to provide <br />the following reports: <br />a. 45 day initial evaluation of case and budget; <br />b. Periodic status updates re important depositions, expert witness designation, expert <br />witness depositions, pertinent discovery issues; and <br />C. Pre-trial report 90 days before trial or 30 days before an administrative hearing. <br />6. TERM The term of this Agreement shall continence on the date first written above for a one <br />(1) year term, unless terminated earlier pursuant to Section 15 below. The term of this Agreement <br />may be extended for up to one (1) year upon a writing executed by both parties, including the City <br />Manager and the City Attorney. <br />