Planning CommissionRegular Meeting AgendaFebruary 22, 2021VIRTUAL MEETING5:30 P.M.Due to Governor Gavin Newsom's Executive Order and the CityCouncil's Proclamation of Local Emergency,there will be no inperson meeting location for the community to attend publicmeetings.Meetings will be held in virtual setting via Zoom.Join from your computer: from your mobile phone via Zoom App. Meeting ID: 938 0170 5217Dial in from a mobile phone or landline.(669) 900 6833; Meeting ID: 938 0170 5217For viewing only: detailed participation and commenting options, please review the instructionsprovided at the end of this agenda.To download or view each item, select either Download PDF or View Item Details tothe right of the agenda title. MARK McLOUGHLINChair, Ward 4 RepresentativeERIC ALDERETECitywide Representative BAO PHAMWard 1 RepresentativeMIGUEL CALDERONWard 2 Representative ISURI S. RAMOSWard 3 RepresentativeCYNTHIA CONTRERASLEOVice Chair, Ward 5 Representative THOMAS MORRISSEYWard 6 RepresentativeMinhThaiExecutive DirectorJohn FunkLegal Counsel Ali Pezeshkpour, AICPPrincipal Planner Sarah BernalRecording SecretaryIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this Meeting,contact Michael Ortiz, City ADA Program Coordinator, at (714) 6475624. Notification 48 hours prior to the Meeting will enablethe City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. The City Council agenda and supportingdocumentation can be found on the City’s website – TO ORDERATTENDANCE Commissioners:Eric AldereteMiguel CalderonCynthia ContrerasLeo, ViceChairMark McLoughlin, ChairThomas MorrisseyBao PhamIsuri S. RamosExecutive Director Minh ThaiSenior Asst. City Attorney John FunkPrincipal Planner Ali PezeshkpourRecording Secretary Sarah Bernal ROLL CALLPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEPUBLIC COMMENTSCONSENT CALENDAR ITEMSA.MinutesItem continued from the February 8, 2021 meeting. Recommended Action: Approve Minutes from the January 22, 2021 meeting.B.MinutesRecommended Action: Approve Minutes from the February 8, 2021 meeting. C.Excused AbsencesRecommended Action: Excuse absent commissioners.PUBLIC HEARING1.Conditional Use Permit No. 202102 – Jerry Guevara, Case PlannerLocation: 715 North Harbor Boulevard, Unit 106 located in the Harbor Mixed UseTransit Corridor Specific Plan Corridor zoning district.Request: The applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow aType 41 Alcoholic Beverage Control license for the sale of beer and wine for onpremises consumption at an existing restaurant (Cajun Crawfish).Environmental Impact: The Planning Commission will consider a determination thatthe project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines – Class 1/ExistingFacilities. Notice of Exemption, Environmental Review No. 202102 will be filed for thisproject.Recommended Action: Adopt a resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No.202102 as conditioned.2.Conditional Use Permit No. 202022 – Pedro Gomez, Case PlannerLocation: 3503 South Harbor Boulevard located in the Professional (P) zoningdistrict.Request: The applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allowthe expansion of a Type 47 Alcoholic Beverage Control license for the sale of beer,wine, and distilled spirits for onpremises consumption onto an existing patio diningarea at an existing concert and dinner facility (The Observatory).Environmental Impact: The Planning Commission will consider a determination thatthe project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines – Class 1/ExistingFacilities. Notice of Exemption, Environmental Review No. 202088 will be filed for thisproject.Recommended Action: Adopt a resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No.202022 as conditioned.BUSINESS CALENDAR3.Elect a representative from the Planning Commission to serve on the HistoricResources Commission for a partial term expring July 2021.Item continued from the February 8, 2021 meeting. Recommended Action: Elect a representative.COMMISSIONER COMMENTSSTAFF COMMENTSADJOURNMENTFUTURE AGENDA ITEMSDensity Bonus Agreement 202002: Applicant proposes to construct a new residentialdevelopment consisting of 17 units, 1,120 square feet of group space and a 389square foot community room for the property located 801 E. Santa Ana Blvd.MEETING INFORMATION If you would like to learn how to use Zoom before the meeting, visit Zoom Video Tutorials.1. Connecting directly from your computer:Click on the link on top of this agenda ORGo to and click "Join a Meeting" at the top. Enter the Meeting ID. The MeetingID is listed at the top of this agenda.To speak during the meeting: When you wish to comment on an item that is being isdiscussed, click on the button next to your name to virtually raise your hand and let us knowyou wish to speak. You will have 3 minutes.2. Connecting via the Zoom App:Download the free Zoom Cloud Meetings app from your favorite app store.Launch the app and click on the blue Join a Meeting button. Enter the Meeting ID, yourname, and the blue Join button. The Meeting ID is listed at the top of this agenda.To speak during the meeting: When you wish to comment on an item that is being isdiscussed, click on the button next to your name to virtually raise your hand and let us knowyou wish to speak. You will have 3 minutes.3. Dialing in from a mobile phone or landline:
<br />Dial (669) 9009128. When prompted, enter the meeting ID. The Meeting ID is listed at
<br />the top of this agenda.
<br />To speak during the meeting: When you wish to comment on an item that is being is
<br />discussed, press *9 on your phone to virtually raise your hand. You will have 3 minutes.
<br />Submit a written comment
<br />You are invited to submit a written comment in one of the following ways:
<br />Visit the City’s Public Portal
<br />Scroll down to the list of meetings and locate the meeting you are interested in.
<br />Select the COMMENT icon to the right of “Meeting Title” (under the Options tab) and
<br />follow the prompt
<br />Email and reference the topic in the subject line.
<br />Mail to Sarah Bernal, Recording Secretary, City of Santa Ana, 20 Civic Center Plaza – M20,
<br />Santa Ana, CA 92701.
<br />Deadline to submit written comments is 5:00 p.m. on the day of the
<br />meeting.Comments received after the deadline may not be distributed to the
<br />Commission but will be made part of the record.
<br />The formal action by the Planning Commission shall become effective after the tenday
<br />appeal period, unless the City Council in compliance with section 41643, 41644 or 41645
<br />holds a public hearing on the matter, then the formal action will become effective on the day
<br />following the hearing and decision by the City Council. An appeal from the decision or
<br />requirement of the Planning Commission may be made by any interested party, individual, or
<br />group. The appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the Council, accompanied by the required
<br />filing fee, and a copy sent to the Planning Department, within ten days of the date of the
<br />Commission's action, by 5:00 p.m. If the final day to appeal falls on a City Hall observed
<br />holiday or a day when City hall is closed, the final day to appeal shall be extended to the next
<br />day City Hall is open for public business. Please note: Under California Government Code
<br />Sec. 65009, if you challenge in court any of the matters on this agenda for which a public
<br />hearing is to be conducted, you may be limited to raising only those issues which you (or
<br />someone else) raised orally at the public hearing or in written correspondence received by
<br />the Planning Commission or City Council at or before the hearing.
<br />Planning Commission 6 2/22/2021