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4. Withdraw of Lis Pendens. <br />Upon the payment of monies outlined in paragraph 3, City agrees to withdraw the recorded Notice <br />of Pendency of Action filed at the Orange County Clerk -Recorder's Office against the Property on December <br />10, 2020 so the Buyer can proceed with the purchase of the Property. <br />5. Transfer of Ownership. In the event that the Buyer cannot close escrow on or before <br />September 17, 2021, Buyer cannot obtain title to the Property, and/or the Defendants retain ownership of <br />the Property, this Agreement shall be null and void and the Action shall continue. <br />6. Release. <br />(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Civil Code section 1542, Defendants hereto <br />hereby irrevocably and unconditionally release and forever discharge Plaintiffs and each and all of <br />Plaintiffs' officers, agents, directors, supervisors, employees, agents, representatives, and Plaintiffs' <br />successors and assigns and all persons acting by, through, under, or in concert with Plaintiffs from any and <br />all charges, complaints, claims, violations and liabilities of any kind or nature whatsoever, known or <br />unknown suspected or unsuspected ( hereinafter referred to as a "Claim" or "Claims") which Defendants at any time <br />heretofore had or claimed to have or which Defendants at any time now or hereafter may have or claim to have, <br />which relates or pertains to the Property in any manner and/or to the allegations contained in the complaint filed in <br />the Action. <br />(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Civil Code section 1542, Plaintiffs hereto <br />hereby irrevocably and unconditionally release and forever discharge Defendants and each and all of <br />Defendants' officers, agents, directors, supervisors, employees, agents, representatives, trustees, prior <br />trustees (including, without limitation, JAMES STEVENS, in his capacity as a co -trustee and former <br />trustee), all persons acting by, through, under, or in concert with Defendants from any and all Claim or <br />Claims which Plaintiffs at any time heretofore had or claimed to have or which Plaintiffs at any time now or hereafter <br />may have or claim to have, which relates or pertains to the Property in any manner and/or to the allegations <br />contained in the complaint filed in the Action. <br />(c) The releases found in this paragraph 6 are not applicable against Buyer, on <br />behalf of itself, its successors and assigns and any subsequent owner of the Property. <br />7. California Civil Code Section 1542 Waiver. With respect to the released Claims set forth <br />herein, the Parties, and each of them, acknowledge that they have been advised by legal counsel and are <br />familiar with theprovisions of California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides as follows: <br />"A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS THAT THE <br />CREDITOR OR RELEASING PARTY DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO <br />EXIST IN HIS OR HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE <br />RELEASE, AND THAT, IF KNOWN BY HIM OR HER, WOULD HAVE <br />MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS OR HER SETTLEMENT WITH THE <br />DEBTOR OR RELEASED PARTY." <br />