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q. Nondiscrimination Clause: <br />1. As a condition to the award of financial assistance from the Department of Labor <br />under Title I of WIOA, the Subrecipient assures that it has the ability to comply <br />with the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of the following laws <br />and will remain in compliance for the duration of the award of federal financial <br />assistance: <br />1. Section 188 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which <br />prohibits discrimination against all individuals in the United States on the <br />basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and <br />related medical conditions, transgender status and gender identity), <br />national origin (limited English proficiency), age, disability, political <br />affiliation or belief, and against beneficiaries on the basis of either <br />citizenship status or participation in any WIOA Title I -financially assisted <br />program or activity; <br />ii. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, which prohibits <br />discrimination on the bases of race, color and national origin; <br />iii. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, which prohibits <br />discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities; <br />iv. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, which prohibits <br />discrimination on the basis of age; and <br />v. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, which prohibits <br />discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs. <br />The Subrecipient also assures that, as a recipient of WIOA Title I financial <br />assistance, it will comply with 29 CFR part 38 and all other regulations implementing <br />the laws listed above. This assurance applies to the Subrecipient's operation of the <br />WIOA Title 1-financially assisted program or activity, and to all agreements the <br />Subrecipient makes to carry out the WIOA Title 1-financially assisted program or <br />activity. The Subrecipient understands that the United States has the right to seek <br />judicial enforcement of this assurance. <br />Avoidance of Conflict of Economic Interest: An executive or employee of the <br />Subrecipient, an elected official in the area or a member of the Local Board, will <br />not solicit or accept money or any other consideration from a third person, for the <br />performance of an act reimbursed in whole or part by the Subreciplent or Pass - <br />through Entity. Supplies, materials, equipment or services purchased with subgrant <br />agreement funds will be used solely for purposes allowed under this subgrant <br />agreement. No member of the Local Board will cast a vote on the provision of services <br />by that member (or any organization, which that member represents) or vote on any <br />matter which would provide direct financial benefit to that member (or immediate <br />family of the member) or any business or organization which the member directly <br />represents. <br />Exhibit B <br />Intellectual Property Provisions <br />Federal Funding <br />Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.315, in any subgrant funded in whole or in part by the federal <br />government, Pass -through Entity acquires the title to Intangible property, as defined in 2 <br />CFR 200.59 as including Intellectual Property, which results directly or indirectly from the <br />subgrant. The federal government shall have a royalty -free, non-exclusive and irrevocable <br />right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the Intellectual Property for Federal <br />purposes, and to authorize others to do so. Additionally, pursuant to 2 CFR 2900.13, <br />Intellectual Property developed under this subgrant will be licensed under a Creative <br />Commons Attribution license, which allows subsequent users to copy, distribute, transmit and <br />adapt the copyrighted work and requires such users to attribute the work in the manner <br />specified by the Pass -through Entity. <br />Page 13 of 16 <br />