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POWER 4J' SERVICES <br />The Generator Experts • 24 Hour Service • License #708125 <br />2. SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />The City of Santa Ana is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide on -call emergency <br />generator repair services and preventative maintenance services on an as- needed basis. <br />The City of Santa Ana is located in the County of Orange in Southern California. The City <br />encompasses 27.2 square miles and a population over 343,000 people. The City of Santa Ana <br />Public Works Agency -Water Resources Division oversees and maintains the daily operations of <br />the Water System and Sanitary Sewer System. The City of Santa Ana's water system has an <br />average day demand of about 43 million gallons (MG) with 45,000 services. It is comprised of <br />approximately 478 miles of water main, 45 MG of storage at five (5) sites, seven (7) MWD <br />connections, 21 groundwater wells, seven (7) pump stations, four (4) pressure regulating <br />stations and utilizes two (2) pressure zones. <br />The City owns and maintains an extensive system of sanitary sewer infrastructure that includes <br />approximately 400 miles of sanitary sewer, 9,000 manholes, approximately 48,500 sewer <br />laterals and 2 sewer lift stations. All sewage is conveyed to the Orange County Sanitation <br />District (OCSD) for treatment. The City of Santa Ana currently operates six (6) emergency <br />generato rs at six (6) different sites throughout their jurisdiction. <br />Description of Work: <br />The City of Santa Ana is requesting proposals for the purpose of providing preventative <br />maintenance service visits and on -call diagnostic and repair services to six (6) generators <br />specified in TABLE A: CITY OF SANTA ANA EMERGENCY GENERATORS. The <br />manufacturers of the City's existing generators include Caterpillar, Perkins, and Cummins. <br />This project consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, labor, supervision, and <br />transportation necessary to provide generator preventative maintenance and repair services at <br />locations listed and described herein. All parts, repairs and/or fluid changing must be done with <br />parts and fluids that meet or exceeds the manufacturer's specifications and requirements. All <br />replacement parts shall be new and of the same quality and brand name as that being replaced. <br />Substitutions will be permitted only with prior authorization from the City. All work done on <br />generators will carry a one-year minimum warranty on parts. The Contractor shall properly <br />dispose of used oil, fluids, and filters generated by its services, leaving the job site <br />environmentally clean. <br />2335 E. Cherry Indus Cir 625 Superior St. #A 800.394.7697 <br />Long Beach, CA 90805 Escondido, CA 92029 <br />