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<br />F.The housing rent burden and poverty faced by many residents in Santa Ana <br />threatens the health, safety, and welfare of its residents, particularly when <br />resulting in eviction and displacement. Studies have shown that evictions play an <br />impactful role in the lives of low income renter households and can also <br />contribute to poverty through disruptive effects such as job loss, adverse health <br />effects, and negative consequences for children. <br /> <br />G. Moreover, an <br />. <br /> <br />H. The Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, California Civil Code section 1954.50, et <br />seq., limits the applicability of local rent stabilization policies, including prohibiting <br />local jurisdictions from applying rent stabilization to certain residential rental <br />properties. This Ordinance intends to comply with the Costa-Hawkins Rental <br />Housing Act, and all other applicable state and federal laws. <br /> <br />I. Mobilehome Parks comprise approximately five percent (5.1%) of all housing in <br />Santa Ana. The city has 29 Mobilehome Parks containing 3,913 spaces. Six of <br />the Mobilehome Parks and one thousand twenty spaces in Santa Ana are <br />currently age-restricted to persons 55 years of age or older. <br /> <br />J. Many residents of mobilehome parks could become homeless if mobilehome <br />park owners were to impose significant rent increases. <br /> <br />K. Increasing the number of homeless residents in Santa Ana, particularly elderly <br />residents who may be in need of medical or other care, could create a public <br />health and safety risk. <br /> <br />L. The economic conditions and recognized housing shortage in Southern <br />California has the potential to detrimentally impact a substantial number of <br />residents in Santa Ana, and impose a particular hardship on senior citizens, <br />persons living on fixed incomes, and other vulnerable persons living in <br />mobilehome parks in Santa Ana. <br /> <br />M. The Mobilehome Residency Law , California Civil Code sections 798, et <br />seq., expressly authorizes cities to regulate the setting and/or increasing of rents <br />for the use and occupancy of a mobilehome space, subject to certain exceptions. <br /> <br />N. Santa Ana Municipal Code , Chapter 41, Article X, establishes <br />standards for the development of mobilehome parks as a type of multiple-family <br />residential development, and provides for the establishment of said development <br />in areas throughout the City that will ensure their compatibility with other <br />permitted uses in the district, consistent <br />General Plan. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS - ____ <br />Page 2 of 11 <br /> <br />