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<br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. NS-XXXX <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF SANTA ANA REQUIRING JUST CAUSE EVICTIONS <br /> <br /> THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA DOES ORDAIN AS <br />FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> Section 1. The City Council of Santa Ana hereby finds, determines, and <br />declares as follows: <br /> <br />A. At the City Council meeting on September 21, 2021, the City Council discussed <br />the City of Santa Ana ability to address just cause <br />evictions. <br /> <br />B. Housing instability threatens the public peace, health, and safety as eviction from <br />loss of community; strain on household finances due to the necessity of paying <br />rental application fees and security deposits; stress and anxiety experienced by <br />those displaced; increased commute times and traffic impacts if displaced <br />workers cannot find affordable housing within the city in which they work; and <br />interruption of the education of children in the home. <br /> <br />C. Eviction creates particular hardships for individuals and households of limited <br />means, given the shortage of affordable housing within the City of Santa Ana and <br />the region generally. <br /> <br />D. According to the May 2017 report by the California Housing Partnership <br />Corporation, median rent in Orange County, which includes Santa Ana, has <br />increased twenty-eight percent (28%) since 2000, while median renter household <br />income has declined by 9%, when adjusted for inflation. Additionally, the May <br />2020 report by the California Housing Partnership Corporation demonstrated that <br />renters need to earn $42.23/hr, or, 3.2 times the state minimum wage to afford <br />an average monthly asking rent of $2,196 for a two-bedroom apartment in <br />Orange County. <br /> <br />E. -one percent (81%) of their <br />income on rent, leaving very little to meet other basic human needs such as food <br />and health. <br /> <br />F. If Santa Ana renter-occupied households paid thirty percent (30%) of their <br />income on housing, renters would have an extra $176 million dollars of <br />disposable income (income minus housing costs) to spend in the community <br />each year, or $7,000 per household. Additionally, racial inequities would <br />decrease, as the yearly disposable income would increase by 14% for Latinos, <br />13% for Asian or Pacific Islanders, and 7% for Whites. <br />Ordinance No. NS - ____ <br />Page 1 of 22 <br /> <br />