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• <br /> STATE OP CALIFORNIA•O4PAR'1MENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br /> PROJECT PROORAMMiNO REQUEST <br /> ❑TP4oa1(R9vtoed July Genetal instruclrone <br /> Amendment(Existing Project) No 1 Date' 6/13/20 <br /> ,; District.;; .EA.':..: .;:.:ProjectID ;•;1,.;PPNO t:,.:: ,;MP.U.(D.,,,r.4 .1`.ii'. "1646 fe)(ratt.i }': <br /> 12 <br /> ' County ':'=!Route/Coitl5lor' .tPMBk': PM Ahd rl.: r• ..;.;;,'u ;Prbjqoti,Sp0rt@0r{I.ead4goSS........3,° :r`." .._ <br /> ORA Santa Clara Orange County Transportation Authority.((OCTA) <br /> EW �. m V ,- ff vP, t eh h Su. .a <br /> ' ISCAG • Local Assistance <br /> • <br /> 'iProjectM nager1Cofltect. yiP.hone, :.u2 tiv.jlti )e,u Y:,ar.a,0.4mie,rrn IIJAddos 1fswa :,`,rt ' .he'F.ig <br /> Zdenek Kekula (714)6A7 6606 l s nth org <br /> PrbjeetTitle/ „ .>, ,u va':'1 'gy Crt ' f..,0;;;.!r, i''se`"it {r r"'cym, *viN'.s , r"k>44 4 <br /> %nange county Central Corridor-Santa Clara Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements <br /> • t,edaagff(Pronttlmlte)'painlPttoh(Snti'pe'.dfwork)'N .chit*?{",.,oAghett4,.f:`>r,+:, n }ri ..M '&r 0,ttpyst+fewrnirlt <br /> The project will construct a new sidewalk,a new intersection pedestrian crossing(at Wright Street)and fit.bikeway facility <br /> on Rost Santa Clara Avenue between Lincahi Avenue and Pasadena Street(approximately 1,3 miles)In the City of Santa <br /> Ana. <br /> Component'; :Implementing.:Agetioy :.h .,:, ( .51.)i`. <br /> PA&ED City of Santa Ana _ , <br /> PS&E City of:Sentd Ana <br /> MitaofWay N/A <br /> Construction City of Santa Ana <br /> Lbglatathye'telslrlcte ,. :i; . :," .. ..i '.S t l !'. {•:.:;.' t .�::n/M` C .!, :.g''.,.?`.', <br /> Assembly: 69,72' (senate: I 34 I0ongrasslonert I OM <br /> Pplject BehetRs',. .;i'" t t ... L ' <br /> *Provides access and connectionsto schools,parks,commercial centers,and residential areas, <br /> Provides connections to 00 Bus Routes 59 and 71 which run along the Orange County Central Corridor Project area <br /> +Reduges conflict points by connecting to existing over;rossing of State Routs 66 Freeway • <br /> *Provides-enhanced safety for both cyclists and pedestrians. <br /> 'Mode shift from short local vehiculartrips reduces emissions, ' <br /> purpooearid Naed ' . ...., ..' :r ).'..:: .: 7 '. 7,. •;•, <br /> Currently,a portion of the segment has no sidewalk or bikeway,which requires users to walk end bike'either along an • <br /> uneven,narrow,dirt path,or On the skeet on with parking lanes may limit visibility and may increase risk of drlueway <br /> related collisions.Additionally,there are no existing pedestrian crossings on the segment between Grand Avenue and • <br /> Tustin Avenue,which may encourage ups;re practices such as jaywalking <br /> .. .,; Gate o' .. <br /> g ry.:..�'. .• '_ti .,� Ol!t(itltalQ4tnoPres �.. :.... .:.. �Unit,� • ^ " Total •::•� ;: <br /> Local Streets and Reads Pedestrian Bicycle radlltfesmlles constructed Miles 1.3' <br /> .. <br /> ADA Improvements Yas. Bik0lPadImprpveniento Yes "!:RtiVer,'sible Lena dr!aly5t9r,t:.t No <br /> Includes Sustainable Gonlmunilles Sirereoy Coals- yes j Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions Yes. <br /> Project Milestone,:, ':, 1 . Existing > PCoposed- :'n:' <br /> Project Study Report Approved N/A <br /> Begin Environmental(PA&ED)Phase • 5/16/2020 <br /> Circulate Draft EnvironmentalDogument 0e0.1.NEPA. "';.)OE 6/15(2020— <br /> Draft Project Report N/A <br /> . End Environmental Phase(PA&ED Nli e taneL • 6/16/2020 <br /> Begin Design(PS&E)Phase (3/18/2020 <br /> • End Design Phase(Ready to Lis(7arAdvertisement Milestone) ., 4/16/2021 <br /> Be In RI ht of Way Phase N/A <br /> End Rig t e Way Phase RI ht of Way Certification I estone) _ N/A <br /> Begin Construction Phase(Contract Award Mlieefnnot 12f1612021 <br /> End Consultation Phsso Construction Cpnhact,Acceptance Milestone) 12/15/2024 <br /> Begin Closeout Phase _ 12/15/2024 <br /> End Closeout Phase(Closeout Report) 12/10/2025 <br /> ADA Notice For Individuei9 with sensory disanpltlea.ihld*clancet Is male!walleyes*fermata.For iniatmailoa sell(910)654-&110 orTee(016)064-0e00 <br /> arwrte Records end Farms Managerial%1120 N aveet:MS-9a.Secmmont°,CA 90811, <br />