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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DOD574C-B1E5-4A94-98CC-C2B16DDD7DC6 <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />urant AgreementNo. 4tiOi701384Z <br />Page 2 of 71 <br />i. The Grantee shall demonstrate compliance with all eligibility criteria asset forth on pages 9-11, <br />inclusive, of the 2019 IRWM Implementation Grant Program Guidelines (2019 Guidelines). <br />ii. For the term of this Agreement, the Grantee shall submit Quarterly Progress Reports which must <br />accompany an invoice and all invoice backup documentation ($0 Invoices are acceptable). The <br />Quarterly Progress Report shall be submitted within 60 days following the end of the calendar <br />quarter (i.e. reports due May 30, August 29, November 29, and March 1) and all other deliverables <br />as required by Paragraph 14, "Submission of Reports' and Exhibit A, "Work Plan". <br />iii. Prior to the commencement of construction or implementation activities, if applicable, the Grantee <br />shall submit the following to the State. <br />1. Final plans and specifications certified, signed and stamped by a California Registered Civil <br />Engineer (or equivalent registered professional as appropriate) to certify compliance for each <br />approved project as listed in Exhibit A of this Grant Agreement. <br />2. Work that is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (including final land purchases) <br />shall not proceed under this Grant Agreement until the following actions are performed: <br />a) The Grantee submits to the State all applicable environmental permits, as indicated on the <br />Environmental Information Form to the State, <br />b) Documents that satisfy the CEQA process are received by the State, <br />c) The State has completed its CEQA process as a Responsible Agency, and <br />d) The Grantee receives written notification from the State of concurrence with the Lead <br />Agency's CEQA documents (s) and State's notice of verification of environmental permit <br />submittal. <br />The State's concurrence of Lead Agency's CEQA documents is fully discretionary and shall constitute <br />a condition precedent to any work (i.e., construction or implementation activities) for which it is <br />required. Once CEQA documentation has been completed, the State will consider the environmental <br />documents and decide whether to continue to fund the project, or to require changes, alterations, or <br />other mitigation. Proceeding with work subject to CEQA prior to the State's concurrence shall <br />constitute a material breach of this Agreement. The Grantee or Local Project Sponsor (LPS) shall <br />also demonstrate that it has complied with all applicable requirements of the National Environmental <br />Policy Act (NEPA) by submitting copies of any environmental documents, including Environmental <br />Impact Statements, Finding of No Significant Impact, mitigation monitoring programs, and <br />environmental permits as may be required prior to beginning construction/ implementation. <br />iv. A monitoring plan as required by Paragraph 16, "Monitoring Plan Requirements," if applicable. <br />6) DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS. The State will disburse to the Grantee the amount approved, subject to the <br />availability of funds through normal State processes. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Grant <br />Agreement, no disbursement shall be required at any time or in any manner which is in violation of, or in <br />conflict with, federal or state laws, rules, or regulations, or which may require any rebates to the federal <br />government, or any loss of tax-free status on state bonds, pursuant to any federal statute or regulation. <br />Any and all money disbursed to the Grantee under this Grant Agreement shall be deposited in a non - <br />interest bearing account and shall be used solely to pay Eligible Project Costs. <br />7) ELIGIBLE PROJECT COST. The Grantee shall apply State funds received only to Eligible Project Costs in <br />accordance with applicable provisions of the law and Exhibit B, "Budget". Eligible Project Costs include the <br />reasonable costs of studies, engineering, design, land and easement acquisition and associated legal <br />fees, preparation of environmental documentation, environmental mitigations, monitoring, and project <br />construction. Reimbursable administrative expenses are the necessary costs incidental but directly related <br />to the Project included in this Agreement. Costs incurred after the June 2, 2020 may be eligible for <br />reimbursement. <br />