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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DOD574C-B1E5-4Ag4-98CC-C2B16DDD7DC6 <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />Agreement 0. <br />Page 4 of 71 <br />B. Costs incurred for any interests in real property (land or easements) that have been necessarily <br />acquired for a project during the period identified in the particular invoice for the implementation of a <br />project. <br />C. Invoices shall be submitted on forms provided by the State and shall meet the following format <br />requirements: <br />i. Invoices shall contain the date of the invoice, either the time period covered by the invoice or the <br />invoice date received within the time period covered, and the total amount due. <br />ii. Invoices shall be itemized based on the categories (i.e., tasks) specified in Exhibit B, "Budget." The <br />amount claimed for salaries/wages/consultant fees shall include a calculation formula (i.e., hours <br />or days worked times the hourly or daily rate = the total amount claimed). <br />iii. One set of sufficient evidence (i.e., receipts, copies of checks, personnel hours' summary table, <br />time sheets) shall be provided for all costs included in the invoice. <br />iv. Each invoice shall clearly delineate those costs claimed for reimbursement from the State's <br />funding amount, as depicted in Paragraph 3, "Grant Amount" and those costs that represent the <br />Grantee's costs, as applicable, in Paragraph 4, "Grantee Cost Share." <br />v. Original signature and date of the Grantee's Project Representative. Submit an electronic invoice, <br />certified and transmitted via electronic/digital signature system (e.g., DocuSign), from authorized <br />representative to the Project Manager or the original "wet signature' copy of the invoice form to the <br />Project Manager at the following address: PO Box 942836 Sacramento, CA 94236. <br />All invoices submitted shall be accurate and signed under penalty of law. Any and all costs submitted <br />pursuant to this Agreement shall only be for the tasks set forth herein. The Grantee shall not submit any <br />invoice containing costs that are ineligible or have been reimbursed from other funding sources unless <br />required and specifically noted as such (i.e., cost share). Any eligible costs for which the Grantee is <br />seeking reimbursement shall not be reimbursed from any other source. Double or multiple billing for time, <br />services, or any other eligible cost is illegal and constitutes fraud. Any suspected occurrences of fraud, <br />forgery, embezzlement, theft, or any other misuse of public funds may result in suspension of <br />disbursements of grant funds and/or termination of this Agreement requiring the repayment of all funds <br />disbursed hereunder plus interest. Additionally, the State may request an audit pursuant to Paragraph D.5 <br />and refer the matter to the Attorney General's Office or the appropriate district attorney's office for criminal <br />prosecution or the imposition of civil liability. (Civ. Code, §§ 1572-1573; Pen. Code, §§ 470, 487-489.) <br />9) ADVANCED PAYMENT. Water Code section 10551 authorizes advanced payment by the State for <br />projects included and implemented in an applicable Integrated Regional Water Management Plan, and <br />when the project proponent is a nonprofit organization; a disadvantaged community (DAC); or the project <br />benefits a DAC. If a project is awarded less than $1,000,000 in grant funds, the project proponent may <br />receive an advanced payment of fifty (50) percent of the grant award; the remaining fifty (50) percent of <br />the grant award will be reimbursed in arrears after the advanced funds of a budget category have been <br />fully expended. Within ninety (90) calendar days of execution of the Grant Agreement, the Grantee may <br />provide the State an Advanced Payment Request. Advanced Payment Requests received ninety-one (91) <br />calendar days after the execution of this Agreement will not be eligible to receive an advanced payment. <br />The Advanced Payment Request shall contain the following: <br />A. Documentation demonstrating that each Local Project Sponsor (if different from the Grantee, as listed <br />in Exhibit 1) was notified about their eligibility to receive an advanced payment and a response from <br />the Local Project Sponsor stating whether it wishes to receive the advanced payment or not. <br />B. If the Grantee is requesting the advanced payment, the request(s) shall include: <br />i. Descriptive information of each project with an update on project status <br />