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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DOD574C-B1E5-4A94-98CC-C2B16DDD7DC6 <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />urant Agreemento.4600013842 <br />Page 22 of 71 <br />Task 5: CEQA Documentation <br />A Notice of Determination for a Mitigated Negative Declaration was filed with the Office of Planning and <br />Research in September of 2015. Prepare letter stating no legal challenges (or addressing legal challenges). <br />Deliverables: <br />• All completed CEQA documents as required <br />• Legal Challenges Letter <br />Task 6: Permitting <br />The project will require coordination with several agencies to secure the necessary permits for the pipeline <br />construction. The following table lists each agency and the anticipated permits needed to implement the <br />project. The permits to start the construction have already been acquired. <br />Agency <br />Description <br />California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) <br />Encroachment permits for work within Caltrans right-of-way <br />(ROW) for the proposed pipeline. <br />City of Chino Public Works Department <br />Encroachment permits <br />City of Eastvale Public Works Department <br />Encroachment permits. <br />City of Jurupa Valley Public Works Department <br />Encroachment permits <br />City of Norco <br />Agreement for the transference of recycled water to Jurupa <br />Community Services District (JCSD). <br />City of Ontario Engineering Department <br />Encroachment permits will be required for construction of <br />pipelines along roadways in that city. <br />Home Gardens Sanitary District <br />Agreement for the transference of recycled water to JCSD. <br />Riverside County Flood Control & Water <br />Encroachment permits <br />Conservation District RCFCWCD <br />San Bernardino County Flood Control District <br />Encroachment permits <br />SBCFCD <br />State Water Resources Control Board <br />National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) <br />Construction General Permit. <br />Western Municipal Water District <br />Agreement for the transference of recycled water to JCSD. <br />Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater <br />Approval to construct the proposed clear well at the treatment <br />Authority <br />plant site. <br />State Water Resources Control Board <br />Wastewater Change Petition <br />Deliverables: <br />Permits as required <br />