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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DOD574C-B1E5-4A94-98CC-C2B16DDD7DC6 <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />Urant Agreemento.4600013842 <br />Page 31 of 71 <br />7: Raiff and Myrtle Park <br />AGENCY: City of Santa Ana <br />)JECT DESCRIPTION: This project features the construction of an approximately 1,600-square-foot <br />etention basin with no underdrain and a large subsurface infiltration gallery (Stormchamber). Combined, <br />Best Management Practices (BMPs) are designed to capture and infiltrate approximately 5.3 AFY of <br />mwater from the approximately 9.87-acre drainage area. <br />Category (a): Project Administration <br />Manage contract with Grantee including compliance with grant requirements, and preparation and sut <br />of supporting grant documents and coordination with the Grantee. Prepare invoices including relevant <br />suDDortino documentation for submittal to DWR via Grantee. This task also includes administrative <br />associated with the project such as coordinating with partnering agencies and managing <br />Invoices and associated backup documentation <br />progress reports detailing work completed during reporting period as outlined in Exhibit F of this <br />ant. Submit reports to DWR via Grantee. <br />Prepare Project Completion Report and submit to DWR, via Grantee, no later than 90 days after project <br />completion for DWR Project Manager's comment and review. The report shall be prepared and presented in <br />accordance with guidance as outlined in Exhibit F. <br />Quarterly Project Progress Reports <br />Project Completion Report <br />Documentation (e.g., photo) of "Acknowledgment of Credit & Signage" per Standard Condition D <br />Category (b): Land Purchase/Easement <br />— Not Applicable <br />Budget Category (c): Planning/Design/Engineering/Environmental Documentation <br />consultant conducted a percolation test to assess infiltration feasibility at the project location. <br />Deliverables: <br />Percolation Test <br />A Notice of Determination was filed for a Mitigated Negative Declaration with the Office of Planning and <br />Research in October of 2019. Prepare letter stating no legal challenges (or addressing legal challenges). <br />