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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DOD574C-B1E5-4A94-98CC-C2B16DDD7DC6 <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />Grant greemen o. 4600013842 <br />Page 35 of 71 <br />Task 5: CEQA Documentation <br />Complete environmental review pursuant to CEQA and NEPA. Prepare letter stating no legal challenges (or <br />addressing legal challenges). <br />Deliverables: <br />All completed CEQA documents as required <br />All completed NEPA documents as required <br />Legal Challenges Letter <br />Task 6: Permitting <br />BBARWA will be responsible for acquiring permits needed to implement Replenish Big Bear. The project has <br />two major components: the pipeline to Stanfield Marsh and the BBARWA WWTP advanced treatment <br />upgrades. The following permits are anticipated for the project: <br />Type of Permit <br />Permitting Agency <br />NPDES (discharge to Stanfield Marsh/Big <br />Bear Lake) <br />Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board <br />Waste Discharge Requirement (modification <br />for changes in operation for brine disposal in <br />the Lucerne Valley) <br />Colorado River Basin Regional Board <br />Recycled Water Use Statewide General <br />Permit <br />State Water Resources Control Board <br />General Construction Permit <br />State Water Resources Control Board <br />Encroachment Permit <br />Caltrans <br />Encroachment Permit <br />City of Big Bear Lake and/or San Bernardino County <br />Grading Permit <br />San Bernardino County <br />Authority to Construct and Permit to Operate <br />the WWTP Upgrades <br />South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) <br />Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit <br />U.S. Army Corps of Engineers <br />Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement <br />California Department of Fish and Wildlife <br />401 Water Quality Certification <br />Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region <br />Possible State or Federal Incidental Take <br />Permit <br />US and California Department of Fish and Wildlife <br />Deliverables: <br />• Permits as required <br />Task 7: Design <br />Preliminary Design includes infiltration testing and water quality analysis, WWTP site planning and condition <br />assessment, wastewater characterization, capacity analysis, recycled water supply and demand analysis and <br />criteria development, distribution infrastructure, reverse osmosis concentrate management strategy, treatment <br />