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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DOD574C-B1E5-4A94-98CC-C2B16DDD7DC6 <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />Urant Agreemento. 4600013842 <br />Page 56 of 71 <br />the laws of State of California, compliance with the requirements of the Drug -Free Workplace Act of <br />1990 (Gov. Code, § 8350 et seq.) and have or will provide a drug -free workplace by taking the <br />following actions: <br />A. Publish a statement notifying employees, contractors, and subcontractors that unlawful <br />manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited <br />and specifying actions to be taken against employees, contractors, or subcontractors for violations, <br />as required by Government Code section 8355. <br />B. Establish a Drug -Free Awareness Program, as required by Government Code section 8355 to <br />inform employees, contractors, or subcontractors about all of the following: <br />i. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, <br />ii. Grantee's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace, <br />iii. Any available counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and <br />iv. Penalties that may be imposed upon employees, contractors, and subcontractors for drug <br />abuse violations. <br />C. Provide, as required by Government Code section 8355, that every employee, contractor, and/or <br />subcontractor who works under this Grant agreement: <br />i. Will receive a copy of Grantee's drug -free policy statement, and <br />ii. Will agree to abide by terms of Grantee's condition of employment, contractor subcontract. <br />D.17. EASEMENTS: Where the Grantee acquires property in fee title or funds improvements to real property <br />already owned in fee by the Grantee using State funds provided through this Grant agreement, an <br />appropriate easement or other title restriction providing for floodplain preservation and agricultural <br />and/or wildlife habitat conservation for the subject property in perpetuity, approved by the State, shall <br />be conveyed to a regulatory or trustee agency or conservation group acceptable to the State. The <br />easement or other title restriction must be in first position ahead of any recorded mortgage or lien on <br />the property unless this requirement is waived by the State. <br />Where the Grantee acquires an easement under this Agreement, the Grantee agrees to monitor and <br />enforce the terms of the easement, unless the easement is subsequently transferred to another land <br />management or conservation organization or entity with State permission, at which time monitoring <br />and enforcement responsibilities will transfer to the new easement owner. <br />Failure to provide an easement acceptable to the State may result in termination of this Agreement. <br />D.18. FINAL INSPECTIONS AND CERTIFICATION OF REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL: Upon completion <br />of the Project, Grantee shall provide for a final inspection and certification by a California Registered <br />Professional (i.e., Professional Civil Engineer, Engineering Geologist), that the Project has been <br />completed in accordance with submitted final plans and specifications and any modifications thereto <br />and in accordance with this Grant agreement. <br />D.19. GRANTEE'S RESPONSIBILITIES: Grantee and its representatives shall: <br />A. Faithfully and expeditiously perform or cause to be performed all project work as described in <br />Exhibit A and in accordance with Exhibits B and C. <br />B. Accept and agree to comply with all terms, provisions, conditions, and written commitments of this <br />Grant agreement, including all incorporated documents, and to fulfill all assurances, declarations, <br />representations, and statements made by Grantee in the application, documents, amendments, <br />and communications filed in support of its request for funding. <br />C. Comply with all applicable California, federal, and local laws and regulations. <br />D. Implement the Project in accordance with applicable provisions of the law. <br />E. Fulfill its obligations under the Grant agreement and be responsible for the performance of the <br />Project. <br />F. Obtain any and all permits, licenses, and approvals required for performing any work under this <br />Grant agreement, including those necessary to perform design, construction, or operation and <br />maintenance of the Project. Grantee shall provide copies of permits and approvals to State. <br />