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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DOD574C-B1 E5-4A94-98CC-C2B16DDD7DC6 <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />uirant Agreemento. 4600013842 <br />Page 66 of 71 <br />EXHIBIT G <br />REQUIREMENTS FOR DATA SUBMITTAL <br />Surface and Groundwater Quality Data: <br />Groundwater quality and ambient surface water quality monitoring data that include chemical, physical, or <br />biological data shall be submitted to the State as described below, with a narrative description of data <br />submittal activities included in project reports. <br />Surface water quality monitoring data shall be prepared for submission to the California Environmental <br />Data Exchange Network (CEDEN). The CEDEN data templates are available on the CEDEN website. <br />Inclusion of additional data elements described on the data templates is desirable. Data ready for <br />submission should be uploaded to your CEDEN Regional Data Center via the CEDEN website. CEDEN <br />website: <br />If a project's Work Plan contains a groundwater ambient monitoring element, groundwater quality <br />monitoring data shall be submitted to the State for inclusion in the State Water Resources Control Board's <br />Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program Information on the GAMA Program <br />can be obtained at: issues/programs/gama/. If further information <br />is required, the Grantee can contact the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) GAMA Program <br />A listing of SWRCB staff involved in the GAMA program can be found at: <br />hfDs:// issues/programs/aama/contact.shtml. <br />Groundwater Level Data <br />For each project that collects groundwater level data, the Grantee will need to submit this data to DWR's <br />Water Data Library (WDL), with a narrative description of data submittal activities included in project <br />reports, as described in Exhibit F, "Report Formats and Requirements." Information regarding the WDL <br />and in what format to submit data in can be found at: <br />