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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DOD574C-B1E5-4A94-98CC-C2B16DDD7DC6 <br />EXHIBIT J <br />Project Monitoring Plan Guidance <br />Introduction <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />Grant Agreemento. 4600013842 <br />Page 71 of 71 <br />For each project contained in Exhibit A, please include a brief description of the project (maximum —150 <br />words) including project location, implementation elements, need for the project (what problem will the project <br />address) and responds to the requirements listed below. <br />Project Monitoring Plan Requirements <br />The Project Monitoring Plan shall contain responses to the following questions: <br />• What are the anticipated project physical benefits? <br />• What are the corresponding numeric targets for each project benefit? <br />• How will proposed numeric targets be measured? <br />• What are baseline conditions? <br />• When will the targets be met (e.g., upon project completion, five years after completion)? <br />• How often will monitoring be undertaken (e.g., monthly, yearly). <br />• Where are monitoring point locations (e.g., meter located at..., at stream mile...)? Include relevant <br />maps. <br />• How will the project be maintained (e.g., irrigation, pest management, weed abatement)? <br />• What will be the frequency and duration of maintenance proposed activities? <br />• Are there any special environmental considerations (e.g., resource agency requirements, permit <br />requirements, CEQA/NEPA mitigation measures)? <br />• Who is responsible for collecting the samples (i.e., who is conducting monitoring and/or <br />maintenance)? <br />• How, and to whom, will monitoring results be reported (e.g., paper reports, online databases, public <br />meetings)? <br />• What adaptive management strategies will be employed if problems are encountered during routine <br />monitoring or maintenance? <br />• What is the anticipated life of the project? <br />