City Council Meeting PacketOctober 19, 2021SPECIAL CLOSED SESSION MEETING – 4:00 PMREGULAR OPEN MEETING – 5:45 PM (Immediately following the Closed Session Meeting)CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER22 Civic Center Plaza Santa Ana, CA 92701Vicente SarmientoMayorThai Viet PhanCouncilmember – Ward 1 David PenalozaMayor Pro Tem Ward 2Jessie LopezCouncilmember Ward 3 Phil BacerraCouncilmember Ward 4Johnathan Ryan HernandezCouncilmember Ward 5 Nelida MendozaCouncilmember Ward 6Mayor and Council telephone: 7146476900Agenda item inquiries: 7146476520Sonia R. CarvalhoCity Attorney Kristine RidgeCity Manager Daisy GomezClerk of the CouncilIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this Meeting,contact Michael Ortiz, City ADA Program Coordinator, at (714) 6475624. Notification 48 hours prior to the Meeting will enablethe City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. The City Council agenda and supportingdocumentation can be found on the City’s website – VISION AND CODE OF ETHICSThe City of Santa Ana is committed to achieving a shared vision for the organization and itscommunity. The Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles (Values) are the result of a thoughtfuland inclusive process designed to set the City and organization on a course that meets thechallenges of today and tomorrow, as follows:Vision The dynamic center of Orange County which is acclaimed for our: Investment inyouth • Safe and healthy community • Neighborhood pride • Thriving economic climate •Enriched and diverse culture • Quality government servicesMission To deliver efficient public services in partnership with our community which ensurespublic safety, a prosperous economic environment, opportunities for our youth, and a highquality of life for residents.Guiding Principles Collaboration • Efficiency • Equity • Excellence • Fiscal Responsibility •Innovation • TransparencyCode of Ethics and Conduct At the Special Municipal Election held on February 5, 2008,voters approved an amendment to the City Charter which established the Code of Ethics andConduct for elected officials and members of appointed boards, commissions, andcommittees to assure public confidence. The following are the core values expressed: •Integrity • Honesty • Responsibility • Fairness • Accountability • Respect • EfficiencyMembers of the public may attend the City Council meeting inperson or join via Zoom. TheCity Council meeting will occur live via teleconference Zoom webinar. You may view themeeting from your computer, tablet or smart phone via YouTube LiveStream or on CTV3, available on Spectrum channel 3 andAT&T Uverse channel 99.PUBLIC COMMENTS – Members of the public who wish to address the City Council onclosed session items, items on the regular agenda or on matters which are not on theagenda, but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council may do so by one ofthe following ways:MAILING OPTION written communications – Public comments may be mailed to:Office of the Clerk of the Council, 20 Civic Center Plaza M30, Santa Ana, CA92701. All written communications received via mail by 3:00 p.m. on the day of themeeting will be distributed to the City Council and imaged into the City’s documentarchive system which is available for public review.SENDING EMAIL OPTION – Public comments may be sent via email to the CityClerk’s office at Please note the agenda item you arecommenting on in the subject line of the email. All emails received before 3:00 p.m. onthe day of the meeting will be distributed to the City Council and imaged into the City’sdocument archive system which is available for public review.LIVE VIRTUAL OPTION – Members of the public may provide live comments duringthe meeting by Zoom or Conference Call. To join by Zoom click on or type the followingaddress into your web browser To join theConference Call: Dial (669) 9009128 and enter MEETING ID: 315 965 149#. You willbe prompted by the City Clerk when it is time for a: i) closed session item, ii)general agenda item, iii) public hearing item, iv) special agenda item, or v) for HousingAuthority item. You may request to speak by dialing *9 from your phone or you mayvirtually raise your hand from Zoom. After the Clerk confirms the last three digits of thecaller’s phone number or Zoom ID and unmutes them, the caller must press *6 ormicrophone icon to speak. Callers are encouraged, but not required, to identifythemselves by name. Each caller will be provided three (3) minutes to speak, unlessdue to the number of speakers wanting to speak a decision is made to provide adifferent amount of time to speak.INPERSON OPTION Members of the public can provide inperson comments at thepodium in the Council Chamber. The Council Chamber will have seating available formembers of the public to attend the meeting inperson. Face coverings are optional formembers of the public who enter City buildings who have been vaccinated againstCOVID19. Public comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker, unless adifferent time is announced by the presiding chair. Speakers who wish to address theCouncil must do so by submitting a “Request to Speak” card as early as3:45 p.m. for Special Closed Session items and before 6:00 p.m. for all otherdesignated public comment periods as listed below. The following designated public comment periods are:1. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON SPECIAL CLOSED SESSION ITEMS – You canprovide live comments on closed session items by joining Zoom or the Conference Call asdescribed in the LIVE or INPERSON PUBLIC COMMENTS OPTION above. Speakerqueue will open at 3:30 p.m. PLEASE JOIN ZOOM OR THE CONFERENCE CALL BY 4:00p.m. 2. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS AND NONAGENDAITEMS (GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT) – You can provide comments by joining Zoom orthe Conference Call as described in the LIVE or INPERSON PUBLIC COMMENTSOPTION above. Speaker queue will open at 4:30 p.m. PLEASE JOIN ZOOM OR THECONFERENCE CALL PRIOR TO 6:00 p.m.3. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS – You can providecomments by joining Zoom or the Conference Call as described in the LIVE or INPERSONPUBLIC COMMENTS OPTION above. NOTE: Redistricting Public Hearing Item #22 will be heard at 7:00 p.m.About the AgendaTo download or view the attachments (staff report and other supporting documentation) foreach agenda item, you must select the agenda item to see the attachments to either open ina new link (the eyeball ) or download a pdf (the cloud symbol with the down arrow ).SPECIAL CLOSED SESSIONCALL TO ORDERATTENDANCE Council Members Phil BacerraJohnathan Ryan HernandezJessie LopezNelida MendozaThai Viet PhanMayor Pro Tem David PenalozaMayorVicente SarmientoCity Manager Kristine RidgeCity Attorney Sonia R. CarvalhoClerk of the Council Daisy GomezPUBLIC COMMENTS – Members of the public may address the City Council on ClosedSession items.CLOSED SESSION ITEMS – The Brown Act permits legislative bodies to discuss certainmatters without members of the public present. The City Council finds, based on advice fromthe City Attorney, that discussion in open session of the following matters will prejudice theposition of the City in existing and anticipated litigation:1.PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Pursuant to Government CodeSection 54957Title: Clerk of the Council, City Attorney and City Manager 2.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Pursuant to Government Code Section54957.6Agency designated representative: Human Resources DirectorUnrepresented employee: Clerk of the Council, City Attorney and City Manager3.CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to GovernmentCode Section 54956.8:Address of Property: 1405 French Street, APN: 39815101 (Portion of)Negotiator: Kristine Ridge, City ManagerNegotiating with: Santa Ana Unified School DistrictTerms: Price and terms related to the possible acquisition of realproperty. CLOSED SESSION REPORT – The City Attorney will report on any action(s) to be taken atthe Regular Open Session which will begin immediately following the Closed Session.RECESS – City Council will recess to Closed Session for the purpose of conducting regularCity business.RECONVENE – City Council will reconvene to continue regular City business.CITY COUNCIL REGULAR OPEN SESSIONCALL TO ORDERROLL CALLPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor SarmientoINVOCATIONMaria KhaniCEREMONIAL PRESENTATIONS1.Proclamation presented by Mayor Pro Tem Penaloza to Shamrock Rescue Foundationdeclaring October as AdoptAShelter Dog Month.2.Proclamation presented by Councilmember Bacerra to Minh Thai, Executive Directorand the Planning & Building Agency declaring October as National CommunityPlanning Month.3.Certificate of Recognition presented by Councilmember Mendoza to Cecilia Aguinagafor Outstanding Contributions to the Community.4.Certificate of Recognition presented by Councilmember Phan to Godinez FundamentalHigh School and Educators for Outstanding Contributions to the Educational System: Jimmy Bravo; Elizabeth Castro; Dr. Veronica Chavez; Mathew Hall; Michelle Holguin;Alba Valenzuela.STAFF PRESENTATIONS5.COVID19 Update in the Community.CLOSED SESSION REPORT – The City Attorney will report on any action(s) from ClosedSession.PUBLIC COMMENT – Public comments will be held during the beginning of the meeting forALL comments on agenda and nonagenda items, with the exception of public hearings.Comments for public hearings will take place after the hearing is opened.NOTE: Redistricting Public Hearing Item #22 will be heard at 7:00 p.m.CONSENT CALENDARRECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve staff recommendations on the followingConsent Calendar Items: 6 through 19.6.Excused AbsencesDepartment(s): Clerk of the Council OfficeRecommended Action: Excuse the absent members.7.Adopt Ordinance No. NSXXXX – AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THECITY OF SANTA ANA PROHIBITING RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY ANDMOBILEHOME SPACE RENTAL RATE INCREASES THAT EXCEED THREEPERCENT (3%) ANNUALLY, OR EIGHTY PERCENT (80%) OF THE CHANGE INCONSUMER PRICE INDEX, WHICHEVER IS LESS, WITHIN THE CITYandAdopt Ordinance No. NSXXXX – AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THECITY OF SANTA ANA REQUIRING JUST CAUSE EVICTIONSFirst reading at the October 5, 2021 City Council meeting and approved by a vote of 43 (Bacerra, Mendoza and Penaloza abstained). Published in the Orange County Reporter on October 8, 2021. Department(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action: Place ordinances on second reading and adopt.8.Appoint Dahlia Sarmiento Nominated by Councilmember Hernandez as the Ward 5Representative to the Youth Commission for a PartialTerm Expiring December 10,2024Department(s): Clerk of the Council OfficeRecommended Action: Appoint Dahlia Sarmiento to the Youth Commissionrepresenting Ward 5 and administer Oath of Office.9.Appoint Gail Araujo to represent the Social Services Agency and Dr. Marilyn Flores toRepresent Title II Adult Education to the Workforce Development BoardDepartment(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action: Appoint Gail Araujo for a partial term expiring May 31, 2023(replacing Snapper) to represent Social Services Agency and Dr. Marilyn Floresrepresenting Title II Adult Education to the Workforce Development Board. 10.Homeless Navigation Center UpdateDepartment(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action: Receive and file the Homeless Navigation Center update.11.Receive and File of the Urban Forest Management Plan as Part of the City ForestRenewal Project in Collaboration with West Coast Arborists, Inc. and California UrbanForests CouncilDepartment(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Receive and file of the Urban Forest Management Plan.12.Approve a Sole Source Purchase Order to AWE Acquisition, Inc. for the Purchase ofEarly Literacy Station Tablets (Revive Santa Ana Program)Department(s): LibraryRecommended Action: Approve a sole source purchase order to AWE Acquisition,Inc. for the purchase of 15 Early Literacy Station tablets and a twoyear warranty for atotal amount of $59,806.25, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the CityManager and City Attorney.13.Approve Historic Property Preservation AgreementsDepartment(s): Planning and Building AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute theattached Mills Act agreement with the belowreferenced property owners for theidentified structure(s), subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the CityManager and City Attorney.Property Owner(s), Historic Property Preservation Agreement No.,Address/House, Vote by HRC1. Corey Flynn Van Houten, 202113, 2417 N. North Park Boulevard,7:0:0:2(Carpenter and PenaSarmiento Absent) (Agreement No. 2021XXX)2. Allan Tea, 202114, 2120 N. Heliotrope Drive, 6:0:1:2 (Murashie Abstained,Carpenter and PenaSarmiento Absent) (Agreement No. 2021XXX)3. Trevor Smith and Bridget Furey, 202115, 2307 N. Riverside Drive, 8:0:0:1(Carpenter Absent) (Agreement No. 2021XXX)4. Gerald and Mary O’Connell, 202116, 2420 N. North Park Boulevard, 8:0:0:1(Carpenter Absent) (Agreement No. 2021XXX)5. 217 North Main Investments, LLC, 202119, 217 N. Main Street, 7:0:0:2 (Carpenterand PenaSarmiento Absent) (Agreement No. 2021XXX)14.Approve a Third Amendment to Extend the Term for the License Agreement with EastEnd Realty Partnership, LP and Wursthaus, Inc. to Allow Temporary Outdoor DiningActivities to Occur within Plaza Calle CuatroDepartment(s): Parks, Recreation, and Community Services, Planning and BuildingAgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute a third amendmentto extend the term for the License Agreement with East End Realty Partnership, LPand the Wursthaus Inc. to allow temporary outdoor dining activities to occur withinPlaza Calle Cuatro for the period December 1, 2021 through November 30, 2022, foran amount not to exceed $2,028, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by theCity Manager and the City Attorney (Agreement No. 2021XXX).15.Approve a Facilities Use Agreement with Rancho Santiago Community CollegeDistrict to Offer a Variety of Adult Education Classes and Enrichment Programs atCorbin Community Center, Santa Ana Senior Center, and Southwest Senior CenterDepartment(s): Parks, Recreation, and Community ServicesRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute a facilities useagreement with Rancho Santiago Community College District to offer adult educationclasses and enrichment programs at Corbin Community Center, Santa Ana SeniorCenter, and Southwest Senior Center for a term through September 1, 2022, subjectto nonsubstantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney(Agreement No. 2021XXX).16.Approve Appropriation Adjustment to Recognize Grant Revenue, Approve anAgreement with the State of California Office of Traffic Safety to Secure a BicycleSafety Grant in an Amount Not to Exceed $100,000, and Approve an Agreement withCharitable Ventures of Orange County to Provide Bicycle Safety Education in anAmount Not to Exceed $100,000 (NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: 1. Approve an appropriation adjustment (2022043) torecognize Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety grant funds inthe amount of $100,000 in the OTSPWA Traffic Safety Grants, Federal GrantsIndirect revenue account and appropriate the same amount to the OTSBicycle SafetyPWA, Contract ServicesProfessional expenditure account. (Requires five affirmativevotes)2. Authorize the City Manage to execute a oneyear grant agreement (PS22025) withthe State of California Office of Traffic Safety for Pedestrian and Bicycle SafetyProgram funds in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for a oneyear period beginningOctober 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022, subject to nonsubstantivechanges approved by the City Manager and City Attorney (Agreement No. 2021XXX).3. Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Charitable Ventures ofOrange County, Inc. to provide bicycle safety education services for a oneyear periodbeginning October 19, 2021 and ending October 31, 2022, in an amount not toexceed $100,000, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the City Managerand City Attorney (Agreement No. 2021XXX).17.Approve an Agreement with AGA Engineering, Inc. for up to a Threeyear Term in anAggregate Amount Not to Exceed $70,000 to Provide an Engineering and TrafficSurvey for Speed Limits Update (Project #226992) (NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement withAGA Engineering, Inc. (AGA) to provide an Engineering and Traffic Survey for SpeedLimits Update for a twoyear term expiring October 18, 2023, with a provision for aoneyear extension exercisable by the City Manager and the City Attorney, in a totalamount not to exceed $70,000 which includes a contingency of $14,980, subject tononsubstantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney(Agreement No. 2021XXX).18.Approve an Agreement with Bucknam Infrastructure Group, Inc. in an Amount Not toExceed $91,000, for a Pavement Management Program Update (Project 216898)(NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement withBucknam Infrastructure Group, Inc. for the Pavement Management Program Update inan amount not to exceed $91,000, which includes the base amount of $79,038 plusoptional task and contingency of $11,962, for a twoyear term beginning October 19,2021 and expiring October 18, 2023, with a provision for two, oneyear extensions,subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney(Agreement No. 2021XXX).19.Adopt a Resolution Accepting the 2021 National Fitness Campaign Grant, Approvean Appropriation Adjustment to recognize and appropriate $60,000 in Grant Funds,Approve a Sole Source Purchase Order to the National Fitness Campaign, LLC forthe Purchase of a Fitness Court at Centennial and Portola Parks, and Amend theFiscal Year 20212022 Capital Improvement Program (NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Parks, Recreation, and Community ServicesRecommended Action: 1. Resolution No. 2021XXX – Adopt a resolution acceptingthe 2021 National Fitness Campaign Grant of $30,000 per site (Centennial Park andPortola Park) and agreeing to endeavor to provide $116,657.52 per site to fund theremaining purchase price of the Fitness Courts.2. Approve an appropriation adjustment (2022042) to recognize and appropriate$60,000 in grant funds from the National Fitness Campaign, LLC. (Requires fiveaffirmative votes)3. Approve a sole source purchase order to the National Fitness Campaign, LLC for aFitness Court at Centennial and Portola Parks for an amount not to exceed$233,315.04 ($293,315.04 less grant of $60,000) to be funded by the CannabisPublic Benefit Fund, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the CityManager and City Attorney.4. Approve an amendment to the Fiscal Year 202122 Capital Improvement Programto include the Centennial Park Fitness Court and the Portola Park Fitness Courtprojects.
<br />20.Award a Construction Contract to iBuild Spectrum, Inc. in the Amount of $1,408,575,
<br />for the Campesino Park, Memorial Park, and Madison Park Restrooms Fiscal Year
<br />202122 Projects, with an Estimated Project Delivery Cost of $1,640,000, and Amend
<br />the Fiscal Year 202122 Capital Improvement Program (Project Nos. 217533, 21
<br />7534, 217535) (NonGeneral Fund) (Revive Santa Ana Program)
<br />Continued from the September 21, 2021 and October 5, 2021 City Council Meetings.
<br />Department(s): Public Works Agency and Parks, Recreation, and Community
<br />Services
<br />Recommended Action: 1. Award a construction contract to iBuild Spectrum, Inc.,
<br />the lowest responsible bidder, in accordance with the base bid in the amount of
<br />$1,408,575, for construction of the Campesino Park, Memorial Park, and Madison
<br />Park Restroom Projects, for the term beginning September 21, 2021, and ending
<br />upon project completion, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract
<br />subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the City Manager and the City
<br />Attorney.
<br />2. Approve the Project Cost Analysis for a total estimated construction delivery cost
<br />of $1,640,000, which includes $1,408,575 for the construction contract, $91,072 for
<br />contract administration, inspection and testing, and a $140,353 project contingency
<br />for unanticipated or unforeseen work.
<br />3. Approve an amendment to the Fiscal Year 202122 Capital Improvement
<br />Program to add the Campesino Park, Memorial Park, and Madison Park Restroom
<br />Projects, for the total amount of $1,731,072, which includes $1,640,000 in
<br />construction funds and an additional $91,072 for preliminary design engineering.
<br />21.Resolution Denouncing COVID19 Misinformation and its Detrimental Effects on
<br />Public Health
<br />Department(s): City Manager Office
<br />Recommended Action: Resolution No. 2021XXX – Adopt a resolution denouncing
<br />COVID19 misinformation and declaring the detrimental effects that COVID19
<br />misinformation has on public health.
<br />PUBLIC COMMENTS – Members of the public may address the City Council on Public
<br />Hearing items.
<br />22.Adopt Resolution of Intention Revising Public Hearing Dates and Times and Hold First
<br />Public Hearing Regarding Redistricting Ward Boundaries
<br />Legal Notice published in the Orange County Register, La Opinion, Nguoi Viet, World
<br />Journal (Chinese Daily News) and The Korea Times by September 18, 2021.
<br />Resolution of Intention No. 2021053 published in the Orange County Register on
<br />September 24, 2021 and October 1, 2021.
<br />First Public Hearing Adjourned from the October 5, 2021 City Council meeting.
<br />Department(s): Clerk of the Council Office
<br />Recommended Action: 1. Adopt a resolution declaring the City’s intention to
<br />consider changes to boundary lines of Wards and revising the time and place of said
<br />hearings to be held on October 19 at 7:00 p.m., November 2 at 7:00 p.m., November
<br />15 at 5:00 p.m., and December 6, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.
<br />2. Open and close the first public hearing seeking input regarding possible changes
<br />to the wards boundaries before proposed ward map(s) are drawn.
<br />AB1234 DISCLOSURE – If the City paid for travel or other expenses this is the time for
<br />members of the Council to provide a brief oral report on attendance of any regional board
<br />or commission meeting or any conference, meeting or event attended.
<br />ADJOURNMENT – Adjourn the City Council meeting.
<br />Future Items
<br />1. Housing Opportunity Ordinance
<br />2. Mental Health Mobile Outreach Services
<br />3. Sunshine Ordinance Amendments
<br />4. Events Policy
<br />City Council 11 10/19/2021