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Orozco, Norma <br />From: <br />Lopez, Jessie <br />Sent: <br />Sunday, December 19, 2021 9:39 PM <br />To: <br />eComment <br />Subject: <br />FW: City Council Meeting on December 21 regarding banning Safe and Sane <br />Fireworks <br />Dear Council Members Penaloza, Bacerra, Mendoza, Lopez and Phan <br />As someone who has lived in Santa Ana since 1952, a resident of Wilshire Square since 1976, and the Chair <br />of Santa Ana United Methodist Churches Trustees as well as the Fireworks Committee, I was deeply disturbed <br />that the Santa Ana City Council, on such short notice, would take up the topic of banning the sale of Safe and <br />Sane fireworks in Santa Ana to address the hazardous conditions created by the use of illegal fireworks. <br />I am not exactly sure where to start since illegal fireworks are in use almost year round in Santa Ana and I <br />have heard and seen them on Mother's Day, Easter, and many other weekends that have absolutely nothing <br />to do with the 4th of July or the sale of Safe and Sane fireworks. <br />There are 34 cities in Orange County with only a few authorizing the limited timeframe sale and use of Safe <br />and Sane fireworks, and yet there are complaints from all 34 related to the use of illegal fireworks, I am <br />having difficulty connecting the dots between the sale and use of Safe and Sane fireworks on four days in <br />July, in a select group of cities, and the continual bombardment I and many others in cities throughout the <br />County experience all year long. <br />Local schools, clubs and churches need to raise funds to support youth activities, Try and raise $18,000 in <br />five days of volunteer work selling candy bars. I find it rather ironic that the City Council is considering taking <br />away this revenue stream that has benefited so many of our City youth through funds generated by these <br />volunteer workers and the groups that they support. The choice to ban the sale is even more hurtful for some <br />groups given the impact of Covid-19 on their other fund raising activities. For some, the sale of Safe and Sane <br />fireworks was their only revenue stream in the last couple of years. <br />I have run a fireworks booth for over 25 years, and the monies generated from our efforts have benefited the <br />youth in our Church by underwriting camping funds and most recently, have been directed to providing <br />$1,000 scholarships for our young folks who have graduated High School and are now moving on to college. <br />For some of these young folks, they will be the first in their families to attend college, and the net profits from <br />last years sales have already been dispersed to 19 young men and women who are now enrolled in higher <br />education. We have students in local community colleges as well as Boise State, Humboldt State, Cal State <br />Fullerton, IVC, and one in a Master's program at Cal State Long Beach. Yes, # 1,000 does not go far on some <br />of these campuses, but these young people are the face of our future and our City and County. Our <br />congregation has made a commitment to helping them in any way we can. I consider the funds generated by <br />the sale of Safe and Sane fireworks money well spent on their futures. <br />The loss of this revenue stream will have a significant impact not only on our organization's efforts to assist <br />our youth, but on numerous other programs throughout the City of Santa Ana. From my understanding, <br />there are over 80 non-profit groups in Santa Ana using funds raised by the sale of Safe and Sane fireworks <br />who have done good work for many years through this revenue stream. And yet now, for whatever reason, the <br />City Council is considering banning the sale to address a problem that has absolutely no connection, no <br />matter how hard you stretch it, to the sale of Safe and Sane fireworks. Safe and Sane fireworks do not serve <br />as a cover for the use of illegal fireworks. just ask the residents of Wilshire Square. How many nights are <br />illegal fireworks being set off? And these illegal explosions, rockets, and aerial display events happen even <br />during the day all year long, So where is the connection? <br />I also find in rather ironic that this particular topic should come before the Council at this time of year, when <br />so many leaders in these non-profit groups, that will be impacted by a negative decision, have family <br />