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City Council (2004 - Present)
12/21/2021 Regular
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12/21/2021 10:42:08 AM
City Clerk
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Orozco, Norma <br />From: Lopez, Jessie <br />Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2021 9:27 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: FW: A Look at how to eliminate illegal fireworks <br />From: Doug Gillen <> <br />Sent: Friday, December 17, 2021 8:35 PM <br />To: Penaloza, David <>; Bacerra, Phil <>; Mendoza, Nelida <br /><>; Lopez, Jessie <>; Phan, Thai <>; <br />Sarmiento, Vicente <> <br />Cc: Doug Gillen <> <br />Subject: A Look at how to eliminate illegal fireworks <br />After 4th of July last year there were several articles in the press regarding illegal fireworks. One of the <br />articles in the L.A. Times indicated that some of those selling illegal fireworks were local gangs who were <br />using the monies generated by the sale of illegal fireworks to support their gang activities. I am not sure <br />exactly when this articles were posted, but if the City of Santa Ana is really serious about stopping illegal <br />fireworks, start looking at who is selling them. Break that chain and you just might get some traction in local <br />neighborhoods. <br />There was one article I remember from last year about a major illegal fireworks bust on South Walnut in <br />Santa Ana along with photos of piles of items that should have sent these people to jail for a long time. <br />Now there is another issue that needs to be addressed. The City makes a big issue about outlawing illegal <br />fireworks, and yet there seems to be a rather lax enforcement issue. So this guy on Walnut gets popped for a <br />large cache of illegal fireworks. So what is the follow through? Was there anything in the press about what <br />happened to him and anyone else involved with this rather large scale operation? Targeted enforcement in <br />those areas where known illegal fireworks are being sold or discharged might just be a way to nip some of this <br />in the bud. And then let the world know that there are consequences. <br />And how about social media where it seems that this is the new marketplace for all things illegal. Where is the <br />enforcement and oversight of these platforms that advertise the sale of all things illegal? How about a sting or <br />two with some good press about what happened to those caught up in these illegal activities? Yes, it may just <br />drive the activity further underground, but making an example of some may also discourage others from <br />wanting to step up and take their place. <br />If the City Council is really serious about decreasing or even eliminating illegal fireworks, they need to start <br />thinking about a more targeted approach and that does not include the sale of Safe and Sane fireworks.. And <br />yes, this may be seen as culturally insensitive, but ask a serious question and then answer it for yourself. <br />When and where are these illegal fireworks being used? What neighborhoods are impacted by illegal <br />fireworks? Is it Floral Park, or the Delhi? I know that Wilshire Square has had more than their share of <br />problems over the past couple of years with the discharge of illegal fireworks all year long. <br />I have some understanding of how Santa Ana is divided and there are some neighborhoods which are more <br />accommodating to illegal fireworks, but if you are serious about an across the board removal of illegal <br />fireworks in a city that covers 27 square miles, the plan needs to be uniform and not give a slap on the wrist <br />to those neighborhoods where the use of illegal fireworks gets a nod and a wink. <br />If anyone at the City level would like to discuss some options, I would be more than willing to sit down and <br />discuss why I have come to these observations. If you want to address the issue of illegal fireworks, then let <br />us get serious. <br />
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