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budget funds to compensate for the losses to youth programs (and as a church organization, it's likely that we would not be eligible for <br />these funds even if they became available). <br />I also am troubled by the sudden appearance of this item on the Council's agenda. By putting this before the Council only 4 days <br />before Christmas, with the school holidays beginning, it is likely that many who would appear before you to protest this action may <br />not be available to appear in person, no matter how much they would like to. In addition, I have questions about who exactly is <br />responsible for bringing this before the Council at this time; what do they hope to gain from banning the Safe and Sane fireworks, <br />since it is obvious that <br />such a ban will do nothing to reduce the incidents of illegal fireworks. <br />I firmly believe that something needs to be done to increase the effectiveness of enforcing the laws against illegal and unsafe <br />fireworks. This will require an intense and focused effort, as well as an investment in resources. I urge you to support a plan that will <br />be effective, rather than punishing groups that have a heart for the children and youth of Santa Ana. <br />In conclusion, I urge each of you to examine this issue with an open mind. Are you truly, honestly convinced that banning these Safe <br />and Sane Fireworks will end the plague of illegal fireworks in Santa Ana? I believe that if you consider this proposal, you will choose <br />to support this opportunity that benefits our city in so many ways. <br />Sincerely, <br />Deborah S. Gillen <br />deborah <br />(714)615-0396 <br />