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City of Santa Ana <br />Master Agreement No, 64AO274 <br />Page 15 of 26 <br />contributions to third parties (other than RECIPIENT) shall be included if <br />those contributions are incorporated into the PROJECT. <br />(2) Once STATE has received the Credit as provided for above because <br />RECIPIENT, or a sub -recipient, as applicable, has (a) ceased to utilize the <br />PROJECT for the described intended public transportation purpose(s) for which <br />STATE funding was provided and STATE has not consented to that cessation <br />of services or (b) sold or transferred title to or control over PROJECT to another <br />party (absent STATE approval for the continued transit operation of the <br />PROJECT by that successor party under an assignment of RE,CIPIENT's <br />duties and obligations), neither RECIPIENT, subrecipient, nor any party to <br />whom RECIPIENT or subrecipient, as applicable, has transferred said title or <br />control shall have any further obligation under this AGREEMENT to continue <br />operation of PROJECT and/or PROJECT facilities for those described public <br />transportation purposes, but may then use PROJECT and/or any of its facilities <br />for any lawful purpose. <br />(3) To the extent that RECIPIENT operates and maintains Intermodal Transfer <br />Stations as any integral part of PROJECT, RECIPIENT shall maintain each <br />station and all its appurtenances, including, but not limited to, restroom <br />facilities, in good condition and repair in accordance with high standards of <br />cleanliness (Public Utilities Code section 99317.8). Upon request of STATE, <br />RECIPIENT shall also authorize State -funded bus services to use those <br />stations and appurtenances without any charge to STATE or the bus operator. <br />This permitted use will include the placement of signs and informational <br />material designed to alert the public to the availability of the State -funded bus <br />service (for the purpose of this paragraph, "State -funded bus service" means any <br />bus service funded pursuant to Public Utilities Code section 99316), <br />(4) Special conditions apply to any proposed sale or transfer or change of use as <br />respects PROJECT property, facilities or equipment acquired with tax free State <br />bond funds and RECIPIENT shall conform to those restrictions as set forth <br />herein and in said bonds. <br />G. Disputes <br />STATE and RECIPIENT shall deal in good faith and attempt to resolve potential disputes <br />informally. If the dispute persists, RECIPIENT shall submit to the STATE's District Contract <br />Manager or designee a written demand for a decision regarding the disposition of any dispute <br />arising under this agreement. The District Contract Manager shall make a written decision <br />regarding the dispute and will provide it to the fund RECIPIENT. The fund RECIPIENT <br />shall have an opportunity to challenge the District Contract Manager's determination but must <br />make that challenge in writing within ton (10) working days to the Mass Transportation Program <br />Manager or his/her designee. [If the fund RECIPIENT challenge is not made within the ten (10) <br />day period, the District Contract Manager's decision shall become the final decision of the <br />STATE.] STATE and RECIPIENT shall submit written, factual information and supporting <br />Revised December 23,2020 <br />