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City of Santa Ana <br />Master Agreement No, 64AO274 <br />Page 21 of 26 <br />property, the costs of which have previously been allocated to PROJECT funds, is to <br />become NUP before the State bond funds are fully paid or redeemed, then <br />RECIPIENT may allocate the costs of such property to another funding source as <br />provided or obtain STATE's approval that the allocation of the costs of such property <br />to the bond funds may remain. It is anticipated that STATE's approval will be granted <br />if, taking into account the existing and expected uses of the proceeds of the State bonds, <br />STATE determines that the continued tax-exempt status of the State bonds will not be <br />adversely affected and that the use of the property is consistent with PROJECT and its <br />described purpose. <br />(12) For purposes of these fund source allocations, RECIPIENT does not have to consider <br />NUP as including those "incidental uses" of PROJECT (for example, advertising <br />billboards, vending machines, telephones, etc.) which meet the applicable requirements <br />of federal tax regulations (IRS Notice 87-69 or any successor thereto). In general, such <br />Notice requires that the incidental use not be physically separated from the rest of <br />PROJECT and not comprise, in the aggregate, more than 2-1/2% of the total costs of <br />PROJECT, <br />Section 2. TCRP PROJECTS <br />The TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF (TCR) ACT OF 2000 (the "ACT"), was added (in <br />Chapter 4.5, commencing with section 14556) to part 5,3 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the <br />Government Code by AB 2928 and SB 406, as amended by SB 1662 and AB 1705. As directed <br />by the ACT and the CTC established Guidelines (as set out in CTC Resolution G-06-04), and as <br />those Guidelines may be amended prior to the execution of a future PROGRAM <br />SUPPLEMENT, said Guidelines shall apply to each TCRP funded PROJECT, By this reference, <br />those Guidelines are made an express part of this AGREEMENT and shall apply to each TCRP <br />funded PROJECT, RECIPIENT will cause its specific TCRP mandated Resolution to be <br />attached as part of any TCRP funded PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT as a condition precedent to <br />the acceptance of TCR ACT funds for that PROJECT. <br />Section 3. PROJECT MANAGEMENT <br />(1) STATE's PROJECT administrator for this AGREEMENT shall be the chief of the State <br />Transit Grants Branch of the Division of Rail and Mass Transportation. RE,CIPIENT's <br />General Manager, Executive Director or a Designee as named in writing to STATE <br />following execution of this AGREEMENT shall be the administrator acting for <br />RECIPIENT. <br />(2) PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT administrators for STATE shall be the applicable District <br />Division Chief for Planning and for RECIPIENT, the designee named in the applicable <br />PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT, <br />Revlmd December U2020 <br />