<br />PROJECT NO.: 18-6918
<br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (189)
<br />this conusd. Tiro provisions of the Americans with Dtanb4dfas
<br />Add 199g (42 U.SC. 12101 et seq.} vet forth umnr 2a CFR
<br />35 and 29 CFR 1630 are incorporated by mforence In Ws
<br />contract. In the onicutbn of this codr=L the contractor
<br />agrees to comply wib the following minimum spodic
<br />requirement ad"Zos of EEO-.
<br />a The contractor will vodr will the contracting agency and
<br />the Federal Government to ensure that d has made every
<br />goodfailb effort lopfovido equal opponunty with respect to no
<br />of Ile forms and candidaps of onploymonl and in their review
<br />Of activitlas under the contract.
<br />b. The contractor will accept as is operating po$cytha
<br />forbwing stelomonl:
<br />1l Is the policy of dhb Company to assure that apteene
<br />we employed, and (hilt omployaes as lrootetl during
<br />anploymonl, without regard b Ihai race, fdigion, sax, color,
<br />retbiunarigln, age a disability. Stich action slat include:
<br />enpbymont. upgmdilg, dernolbn, of Imnsler, mauhmentof
<br />rovuitmenl advadisirg: layoff or rumination: rates af pay or
<br />other formsolcompansatbn: and sanction W training,
<br />ncludingappmnlicmhp,pmappmmkmhp, endtw"4ha-
<br />pb training.'
<br />2. EEO Officer. The contmctorwilldesignateand make
<br />Imam to the contracting officers an EEO Offcer who wd have
<br />the msponsibilly nor and must be capable of offodivdy
<br />administering and promoting an active EEO program anti who
<br />must be assigned adequmo Authority and responsibility fo do
<br />so.
<br />3. Olswraination of Policy: AN mombors of lho contactors
<br />staff who am authorized to him, supervise pmmome and
<br />discharge employees, a who recommendsoch action, or who
<br />am wbstoritepy imelved In wchadroA will be made fully
<br />cogntzont of, and will implement, the canlradofs EEO policy
<br />and contractual responsibilities to provide EEO in each gmdo
<br />anddassihwtbnolompbymenl. Toonwretrmilembove
<br />agreement "rill be met, the folwving actions cell be taken as a
<br />minimum:
<br />a. (vabdic meolbgs of supervisory and Personnel office
<br />employow will be conducted before Imo Stan of work end [hen
<br />Out less often than "cc every six months, at whichIN me the
<br />contactors EEO poicyand is inplonlonlalfvn TWIN be
<br />revtaved end explained. ThemaeingsvWlbeconabctedby
<br />the EEO Officer.
<br />b. AJI new supuv4srry err pnaonnal office amployees we be
<br />given a llprougIt Indoctrination by the EEO Officer, cowering
<br />AN mapraspects of the cenbadorsEEO atlpatienswdlan
<br />thirty days following tha"r ropadng for duty with the contractor
<br />c. AN personnel who are angagod in direct recr limont for
<br />the project cell be instructed by Iho EEO OWxor in the
<br />corifacfor's pmcodtims for besting and hiring ntnovil and
<br />women.
<br />d MlIcOS unit posters Acting forth he cenlrafar's EEO
<br />policy will be placed In areas madpy Accessible to amployaos.
<br />applicants for employment and potential amplayees
<br />e, The amuadors EEO policy and the procedures to
<br />implement such policy We be brougtt to the attention of
<br />employers by means of meetings. employee handbooks, or
<br />other appropriate means.
<br />4. Reaultmanr, When Advertising for employees, the
<br />cha ralor wig Include In all adverilsomaats for employees the
<br />notation: 'An EqualOppodeniy Employer.* Al well
<br />eMamsenenb wit be paced c publications having a large
<br />circulation among minorities and women in the am from
<br />which the ptojuclwork force would neurally bo derived.
<br />a. The contactorwil,unimpedudedby a vald
<br />bargaining agreement, conduct systematic and diced
<br />reauhmonl through public and private ampoyno lateral
<br />soorraslk*tooeeldgmlgbdmirodiesandwomen To
<br />meet this requirwont the contactorwit ldeNBy spumes of
<br />pofondal minodlygroup elryloyeos, and astatlLSh vdh such
<br />idwilied sources precoduras vvhomby minority and minon
<br />Applicants may be referred to the conlmctortar employment
<br />oorsldoratkxw
<br />b. In tha tivenl the mnimctor hos a void ba��BgoNMg
<br />egmemontpmvidng for oxdisive hiring hall mf1 rrms. the
<br />wnhndor is e*c ded to absorve Iho provlalons of Ifni
<br />agroewnt to Ile exlml tint the system meet$ Ulu contractors
<br />canplancowgh EEO contract provisions Where
<br />inpbmealadon d such an agreement has the affect of
<br />discdminafng against minorities or women, a obpgates the
<br />contractor to din VIA same, avh impiemonlrlionvldeles
<br />Federal nondiscrimination provisons.
<br />a The contractor vWl oreaumgo its present amployoosto
<br />refermincAris and women as appikents fa ampcymant.
<br />InbrmAtbn and procedures with regard to referring such
<br />applicants WE be discussed vWlh employees.
<br />5. Parsomd Actions: Wages, awing caMAbns, and
<br />empbyao benefits shall be established and adailnislered, and
<br />pommfld actions of every type including hiring. upgrading,
<br />pronmlbn, tmnsru, domoton layoff, and umnichi shill be
<br />taken wplhoulregard to race, cola, rallgicri, sax, rallonal
<br />odgin,ageordsab4rty. Thu following procadums shop bo
<br />fdlowod:
<br />a The contractor Mill conduct periodic inspections of project
<br />silos te insure that wading condllbrs and employee facAhos
<br />do not Indento discriminatory Imatment of project silo
<br />personnel,
<br />b. The oonlmdorwlllperbdically evaluate ume spread of
<br />vvagos pail will* each classification to dotermno any
<br />avidunce of diaaininstary wage practices.
<br />C. The contractor veil periodically review selected pasonrul
<br />actions in depth to determine whoher them Is ovldonce at
<br />disalmbmgon. Whom ovidancols found. pleconiradorwil
<br />pronlpgy WkecuradNa Action. Irlho mviow indfcmos that Ito
<br />discrimination may exlond beyond he actions mWoone. such
<br />caredive action shall include all elected persons.
<br />it The contedor vest prrmpdy, invasignie all complains, of
<br />Alleged disainnalbn made to the contractor In connection
<br />with is obligations undor this conlracl. will atempl to reserve
<br />Such complaints. and vAi take appropriate comalive Action
<br />vvitdn o masonabb lino. i lip nvoslpalbn Indicates thalthe
<br />disofnhnllon may affect persons other than the complainant,
<br />Such camcllve action shag include such other persons. Upon
<br />conplotnn of each investigation, the contractor cell nioml
<br />Mary cortlAdlnanl of sot Of Ihai ManaS Of appeal,
<br />&Training and Promotion:
<br />a. The oortlrador wall Asdsl lnlocaling, qualifying, are
<br />Inaensirg the skill d ninorilm end w m who am
<br />P-20 of P-52
<br />