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Presentation- #37
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
04/05/2022 Special and Regular & HA
Presentation- #37
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M <br />Sec. 1400. - Employees' retirement system. <br />kaa Dray to provide retirement system. Except as hereinafter otherwise <br />provided, the council shall provide, by ordinance or ordinances, for the <br />creation, establishment and maintenance of a retirement plan or plans for <br />all officers and employees of the City. Such plan or plans need not be the <br />same for all officers and employees. Subject to other provisions of this <br />article, the council may at any time; or from time to time, amend or <br />otherwise change any retirement plan or plans or adopt or establish a new <br />or different plan or plans for all or any officers or employees. <br />.-�- Authority to join other systems. Subject to other provisions of this article, <br />the City; by and through its council, is hereby empowered, but not required, <br />to join or continue as a contracting agency in any retirement or pension <br />system or systems existing or hereafter created under the Iaws of the State <br />of California or of the United States of America to whichi municipalities and <br />municipal officers or employees are eligible for membership. <br />,q Continuance of existing retirement system. Until otherwise provided by <br />ordinance; the City shall continue tQ participate in the Public Employees' <br />Retirement System of the State of California, as the same now exists or <br />may hereafter be amended. The City Council may not terminate any such <br />contract with the Public Employees' Retirement System of the State of <br />California, and may not amend any such contract in a manner which would <br />decrease or eliminate any benefit accruing to persons employed by the City <br />at the time of such contract termination or amendment, unless such <br />amendment shall substitute a retirement system or systems providing <br />equal or greater benefits for said persons. <br />,g, Exciusions. The council in its discretion may exclude all or any of the <br />following persons from any or all retirement plans, to wit_ <br />Persons mentioned in subsections (a)(1 ). (5}-(10) of Charter Section <br />1002 rrP (61 17) 6@. rQ-) rare raa3 aarid- r12-) ofsse-+ie.p InQ2—C-A <br />Persons in City service primarily for training_ study or educational purposes; <br />Persons employed or paid on a part-time, per diem, per hour or any basis <br />other than a rnonthly basis. <br />Slide 39 <br />Charter Review <br />City Manager's Office <br />April 5,2022 <br />
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