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6q;CRANCE NOT ON FILL <br />FORK MAY NOT PROCEED A-2021-238-02 <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL <br />DATE. APR 0 7 2022 <br />(Va-0 4P oaK P�k AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AND <br />SOUTH COUNTY OUTREACH FOR USE OF <br />STATE RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM — ROUND 2 (SRA2) FUNDS <br />This Agreement is hereby made and entered into this 1' day of March, 2022, by and between <br />the City of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation organized and existing under the <br />Constitution and laws of the State of California ("CITY"), and South County Outreach, a California <br />nonprofit corporation ("SUBRECIPIENT" or "CONTRACTOR"). <br />RECITALS: <br />A. On March 11, 2021, the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Pub. L. No. 117-2) <br />("ARPA") was signed into law. Section 3201 of Subtitle B of Title III of ARPA established <br />the federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program ("ERA2'), and authorized the direct <br />allocation of emergency rental assistance funds to states, units of local governments, <br />territories, and high -need grantees. The ERA2 funds are intended to assist households that <br />are unable to pay rent or utilities during or due to the COVID-19 pandemic. <br />B. California Assembly Bill No. 832 (Chapter 27, Statutes of 2021) ("AB 832") established <br />Round 2 of the State of California's program for administering its share of ERA2 funds (the <br />"State Rental Assistance Program — Round 2" or "SRA2" or "SRA2 Funds"). Health and <br />Safety Code section 50897.1, subdivision (a)(1) authorized the Department of Housing and <br />Community Development ("HCD") to administer the SRA2 Funds in accordance with state <br />and federal law. <br />C. CITY desires to obligate and disburse an allocation of SRA2 Funds pursuant to Health and <br />Safety Code section 50897.2.1, subdivision (a)(1) or (2). Accordingly, HCD and the CITY <br />entered into STD 213 Standard Agreement #21-ERAP-20081 ("State Agreement") under the <br />authority and in fiutherance of the State Rental Assistance Program — Round 2, attached <br />hereto as Exhibit H and incorporated herein by reference. <br />D. CITY intends to use its SRA2 funds to make subawards to other entities, including non-profit <br />organizations, to administer an SRA2 program on behalf of the CITY. The SRA2 funds will <br />be used for direct financial assistance, including rent, rental arrears, utilities and home energy <br />costs, utilities and home energy costs arrears, and other expenses related to housing. <br />Remaining funds are available for administrative costs. <br />E. SUBRECIPIENT has been selected by the CITY to receive SRA2 Funds in order to <br />administer the CITY's CARES for Tenants Program, in accordance with the Scope of Work <br />attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference ("said program"). <br />SUBRECIPIENT represents that it is qualified and willing to operate said program and <br />certifies that the administration of said program carried out with funds provided under this <br />Agreement will meet the SRA2 objectives to respond to this historic COVID-19 public health <br />crisis. <br />F. SUBRECIPIENT agrees that it will adhere to the eligibility requirements, required <br />documentation, and project expectations as indicated in Exhibit A for said program and in <br />