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Date: 04/03/2022 <br />The City of Santa Ana <br />Attention: City Clerk <br />P.O. Box 1988, M30 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702 <br />Proposed increase in Solid Waste Services Rates <br />I am writing to protest the proposed increase in Solid Waste Service Rates outlined in the <br />letter sent out approximately April 3, 2022, titled NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING. <br />I feel the increase amount is far too high and that it will create a hardship for myself and <br />my fellow citizens. The cost of food, fuel, and electricity has increased beyond anything <br />I have seen in a half -century of being alive. These increases have always been a few <br />pennies per household and rate increases are expected over time, but this new proposed <br />increase spans over 3 years for a total of 5.5% for Solid Waste Services will hurt my <br />family and many others in the community. Please revoke this proposed rate increase. <br />Thank you for your consideration, <br />Steve Spaeth <br />5418 W. Lehnhardt Ave. <br />