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Correspondence - #16
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
06/07/2022 Regular & HA
Correspondence - #16
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6/15/2022 2:57:19 PM
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6/6/2022 12:53:44 PM
City Clerk
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KEY TERMS <br />Cisgender: A term used to describe a person whose gender identity aligns with those typically <br />associated with the sex assigned to them at birth. <br />Culture: A social system of meaning and custom that is developed by a group of people to assure <br />its adaptation and survival. These groups are distinguished by a set of unspoken rulesthat shape <br />values, beliefs, habits, patterns of thinking, behaviors and styles of communication, <br />encompassing religion, food, clothing, language, marriage, music, and behavior. <br />Discrimination: The unequal treatment of members of various groups based on race, gender, <br />social class, sexual orientation, physical ability, religion, and other categories. <br />Gay: A person who is emotionally, romantically, or sexually attracted to members of the same <br />gender. <br />Gender binary: A system in which gender is constructed into two strict categories of male or <br />female. <br />Gender: A concept referring to the social identity and roles associated with being a man or a <br />woman that are usually learned through early socialization and reinforced by social norms. <br />Gender non -conforming: A broad term referring to people who do not behave in a way that <br />conforms to the traditional expectations of their gender, or whose gender expression does not <br />fit neatly into a category. <br />HCV (Hepatitis C Virus): A liver infection that is spread through contact with blood from an <br />infected person. <br />Heterosexual: A sexual orientation that describes women who are primarily emotionally and <br />physically attracted to men, and men who are primarily emotionally and physically attracted to <br />women. Also referred to as straight. <br />HIV (human immunodeficiency virus): A virus that attacks the body's immune system. If HIV <br />is not treated, it can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). <br />Homophobia: The fear and hatred of or discomfort with people who are attracted to members <br />of the same sex. <br />Intersectionality: The idea that comprehensive identities are influenced and shaped by the <br />interconnection of race, class, ethnicity, sexuality/sexual orientation, gender/gender identity, <br />physical disability, national origin, religion, age, and other social or physical attributes. <br />Latinx: The word "Latinx" (pronounced "La -teen -ex") is the gender -neutral alternative to Latino <br />(male), Latina (female). <br />25 <br />
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