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Correspondence - #16
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
06/07/2022 Regular & HA
Correspondence - #16
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Orozco, Norma <br />From: Marcela Rosas <> <br />Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2022 3:38 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: Item 16: Santa Ana Budget FY 2022-23: Invest in Community Care & Health <br />Council Member City Council, <br />To: Mayor Sarmiento and the Santa Ana City Council, <br />As the Santa Ana City Council prepares to approve the city's 2022-23 FY Budget in the <br />coming weeks, I urge you to adopt the following priorities within the the city's 2022-23 FY <br />Budget: <br />1. Anticipate the cost of pending Police Oversight legislation, and include space within the <br />2022-23 FY Budget to properly fund a robust and effective Police Oversight Board. <br />2. Allocate Funding for Grants to Community Based Organizations that provide Mental Health <br />Services for Trans/Queer and LGBTQ youth, provide re-entry programs and services for <br />system impacted youth, and/or provide counseling support and preventative services for <br />youth. Include $150,000 in the 2022-23 FY Budget to implement a Grants for CBOs program. <br />Prioritize organizations with an annual budget of less than 1 million annually and that are not <br />currently receiving CDBG funds from the City. Such a program will build the capacity among <br />smaller organizations and reach youth who are difficult to reach or systems -impacted often <br />trust these organizations more than some larger service providers. The City needs to fund <br />CBOs to meet the community's unmet needs such as: mental health service for Trans/Queer <br />and LGBTQ youth, Re-entry programs and services for system impacted youth, and provide <br />counseling support and preventative services for youth. <br />3. Allocate increased funding for at least 1 additional staff person at the City's WORK Center <br />and youth jobs within City Government that are accesible to undocumented Youth. <br />Allocate increased funding for at least 1 additional staff person at the City's WORK Center <br />that will help create the opportunities listed below. Santa Ana Public Library Job <br />Opportunities, such as receptionist positions, library aides. Paid Youth City Internships in City <br />departments, especially with the opportunity to develop STEM skills. Trade and Construction <br />Jobs for local city projects, in partnership with entities that can provide training and support, <br />
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