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7015. Parton St. <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />(7T4) 547-1354 <br />June 7th, 2022 <br />Mayor Sarmiento and the City Council Members <br />City of Santa Ana <br />22 Civic Center Plaza <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />RE: Agenda Item 16: FY 22-23 City Budget - Invest in Community Care and Health <br />El Getsemani United Methodist Church was founded in 1915 and since then we have been a <br />church that is committed to the flourishing of our local community especially towards the mot <br />vulnerable of our community members that we are called to serve from our faith. We hope that <br />you may find in this letter of support for a more equitable distribution of the budget to what our <br />Holy Scriptures calls "the least of these brothers and sisters". <br />The ongoing pandemic has undoubtedly impacted the financial well being of working class <br />families across Santa Ana. It is imperative that the City Council prioritizes a balanced and <br />equitable budget that meets the material needs and prioritizes the well being of Santa Ana <br />residents. The Santa Ana City Council must invest in Community Care and Health. <br />El Getsemani UMC asks that the Santa Ana City Council (Council) invest in community care <br />and health throughout the Fiscal Year 22-23 City Budget by adopting the following <br />recommendations: <br />1. Allocate $1 Million to properly fund a robust and effective Police Oversight Board. <br />2. Allocate $150,000 of General Fund dollars to fund for grants to Community Based <br />Organizations that provide: <br />a. Mental Health Services for Trans/Queer and LGBTQ youth, <br />b. Re-entry programs and services for system impacted youth, and/or <br />c. Counseling support and preventative services for youth. <br />3. Allocate increased funding for an additional staff person at the City's WORK <br />Center and youth jobs within City Government that are accesible to undocumented <br />