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Contained in Articles V through X of SAMC Chapter 21 <br />Legal notice published in the Orange County Reporter on May 27, 2022. <br />Department(s): Finance and Management Services <br />Recommended Action: Approve the first reading of an ordinance to consolidate <br />Business License Rates and Schedules to unify all non -cannabis business license tax <br />rates, schedules, and charges currently contained in Articles V through X of SAMC <br />Chapter 21, respectively, into a single article (Article X) for clarity and cohesion. <br />16. Public Hearing - Consider an Ordinance to adopt the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget, <br />Approve a Resolution for Changes to the City's Basic Classification and <br />Compensation Plan Budget, and Adopt the Seven -Year Capital Improvement <br />Program <br />Legal notice published in the Orange County Reporter on May 27, 2022 and June 3, <br />2022. <br />Department(s): Finance and Management Services <br />Recommended Action: 1. Approve the introduction and first reading of an <br />Ordinance to adopt the budget for Fiscal Year 2022-23 (FY22-23), which begins on <br />July 1, 2022 and ends on June 30, 2023. (Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2) <br />2. Resolution No. 2022-XXX — Adopt a Resolution, to effect certain changes to the <br />City's basic classification and compensation plan, such as addition of new <br />classification titles. (Exhibit 3) <br />3. Resolution No. 2022-XXX — Adopt a Resolution, to effect certain changes to the <br />City's basic classification and compensation plan for classifications in the Police <br />Management Association (PMA) bargaining unit to comply with the Memorandum of <br />Understanding. (Exhibit 4) <br />4. Adopt the Seven -Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) beginning FY 2022-23 <br />through FY 2028-29, as required by the Orange County Transportation Authority <br />(OCTA) for Measure M2 eligibility. (Exhibit 5) <br />5. Deposit $9,506,967 (including $7,748,811 million from the General Fund) into the <br />Section 115 Pension Trust Fund to implement Pension Debt Strategy. <br />CITY MANAGER COMMENTS <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />AB1234 DISCLOSURE — If the City paid for travel or other expenses this is the time for <br />members of the Council to provide a brief oral report on attendance of any regional board or <br />commission meeting or any conference, meeting or event attended. <br />ADJOURNMENT — Adjourn the City Council meeting and convene to the Housing Authority <br />meeting. <br />Page 10 6/7/2022 <br />