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DocuSign Envelope ID: D9400988-4C42-408F-ABFD-5AC4CB5A4BCF <br />and reinvigorate Community Services programming at parks, community centers, <br />libraries, and family resource centers. This effort is related to post -pandemic <br />recovery. <br />Santa Ana Public Library will provide online support for the provision of online career <br />exploration including the expansion of the 4 youth WI-FI hotspot program. The second <br />project will engage youth in researching and documenting pandemic recovery efforts <br />throughout the city, including City -led efforts to rejuvenate the local economy and <br />stabilize its residents living conditions, providing a street -level view of successes and <br />challenges. Using mixed media and particularly video production, participants will <br />create a public service message sharing the results of their research. <br />Youth participating with the OCCC will engage in multiple projects related to both food <br />insecurity and climate resilience. While addressing food insecurity youth will load and <br />unload trucks, package boxes of food, deliver to community pantries, and assist <br />community partners with labor support at drive -up distribution events (traffic control, <br />set-up logistics, and data collection). While addressing climate resilience youth will <br />clear fire fuels from public spaces, remove debris from waterways, remove non- <br />native/invasive trees/plants, install native plants and perform other erosion control <br />measures. Much of the climate resilience work will be at the direction of the Orange <br />County Conservation Corps and performed at public parks, trails and wetlands. <br />Working Wardrobes will coordinate with the County of Orange, OC Sheriff's <br />Department provide a workforce readiness program that includes pre-release <br />services. This program will offer support and workforce readiness services for <br />participants pre-release as well as post -release. <br />4. What is the proposed start date for programming? <br />The proposed start date for programming is March 1, 2022. The Santa Ana City <br />Council must approve new and/or expanded contracts prior to program <br />implementation therefore the start date may be adjusted as necessary. <br />Section 3: Youth Recruitment/Development <br />1. How will the city recruit youth? <br />The City and its CBO partners have established networks that will be relied upon to <br />disseminate program information. For example, the Youth Services Provider <br />Network through the WORK Center holds meetings on a monthly basis, which brings <br />together community serving organizations who have a youth focus. <br />The City will also use various media resources including issuance of periodic news <br />releases through its Public Information Officer; posting of electronic program <br />announcements/flyers to social media including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram <br />and program information on the City's website. <br />