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Cerdfication Regarding <br />Debarment, Scapeuslor, faelildbility and VOImtW R&CIUSiOn <br />Lower Tier Covered TmmcflOm <br />i <br />Tt6s cation is required by the regulations ample nsaft Executive Order 12549, IDebannent and <br />Susperxion, 29 CFR Part 98, Section 98.51A, , ' pKsa,,mponsibilities. The repletion$ were Published <br />as pant VU of the May 26,1988 Federal'Register (pages 19160-19211). <br />(BEFORE CowLLMNdx CER'11F1CATiON, READ INSTRUCTIONS FOR TeFiā‚¬;ATION <br />Ailached) <br />} The prospocilve recipient of federal assistme fitnds certifies, by submission of this prop <br />neltlrer it nor its principals are presently delaured, suspended, proposed for debmmett, declared <br />ineligible, or voluniadly excluded from participation in this transaction by any Worst department or <br />agesscy. <br />(2) Wbere the prospective recipient of federal asmistmoe ft& is unable to certify to any of the <br />sonements in this certification, such prospeedve participant shad attach an expiaitatiort to this <br />proposal <br />