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City of Santa Ana CDBG Scope of Work <br />Program Year 2023-2024 (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024) <br />Name of Organization Stand Up for Kids Orange County <br />Name of Funded Program On Campus Mentoring Homeless Youth <br />Annual Accomplishment Goal <br />Unduplicated Participants anticipated to be served during the 12-month contract period. <br />211 TOTAL F 21 Santa Ana Participants 1 100%1 1 211 Presumed Benefit 100% <br />Schedule of Performance <br />Unduplicated <br />(estimated) <br />Quarter 1: JUL 1 - SEP 30 <br />Quarter 2: OCT 1 - DEC 31 <br />Quarter 3: JAN 1 - MAR 31 <br />Quarter 4: APR 1 - JUN 30 <br />Program and Funding Description <br />Estimated <br />Invoicing <br />$ 6,772.50 <br />$ <br />6,772.50 <br />$ <br />6,772.50 <br />$ <br />6,772.50 <br />$ <br />27,090.00 <br />The requested CDBG funds cover The SUFK On Campus Mentoring program for one school year at one or two <br />schools in the Santa Ana Unified School District priority given to Valley or Century High. It covers one part- time <br />Case Manager (4 days x 4 hours a day onsite and 2 hours off site preparing case notes and reports) serving 21 <br />students each school year. Case Managers spend 4 days onsite at the school, meeting students in 30 minute <br />intervals during tutorial, lunch, after school or as coordinated with the school. The Case Manager may also <br />facilitate a group meeting 1 to 2 times weekly as the school allows. They will work in our office preparing case <br />notes, mentor conferences, and coordinating student linkages to community supports. The Case Manager provides <br />youth with resources, guidance, training navigation and linkages to community supports for the remaining 2 hours <br />a week. <br />In addition, the requested CDBG funds cover one Program Manager for 1 hours per week. The Program Manager <br />is responsible for oversight and evaluation, plus supervising mentors and tutors. They monitor student attendance <br />and student performance and perform data collection and reportine. The Pro¢ram Manager is also responsible for <br />EXHIBIT A <br />