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F=11@1R ] <br />Intellectual Property Provisions <br />Federal Funding <br />Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.315, in any subgrant funded in whole or in part by the federal <br />government, Pass -through Entity acquires the title to intangible property, as defined in 2 <br />CFR 200.59 as including Intellectual Property, which results directly or indirectly from the <br />subgrant. The federal government shall have a royalty -free, non-exclusive and irrevocable <br />right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the Intellectual Property for Federal <br />purposes, and to authorize others to do so. Additionally, pursuant to 2 CFR 2900.13, <br />Intellectual Property developed under this subgrant will be licensed under a Creative <br />Commons Attribution license, which allows subsequent users to copy, distribute, transmit and <br />adapt the copyrighted work and requires such users to attribute the work in the manner <br />specified by the Pass -through Entity. <br />Exhibit C <br />Confidentiality Requirements <br />The State of California and the Subrecipient will exchange various kinds of information <br />pursuant to this subgrant agreement. That information will include data, applications, <br />program files, and databases. These data and information are confidential when they define <br />an individual or an employing unit or when the disclosure is restricted or prohibited by any <br />provision of law. Confidential information requires special precautions to protect it from <br />unauthorized use, access, disclosure, modification, and destruction. The sources of <br />information may include, but are not limited to, the EDD, the California Department of <br />Social Services, the California Department of Education, the California Department of <br />Corrections and Rehabilitation, the County Welfare Department(s), the County IV-D Directors <br />Office of Child Support, the Office of the District Attorney, the California Department of <br />Mental Health, the California Office of Community Colleges and the Department of Alcohol and <br />Drug Programs. <br />The Pass -through Entity and Subrecipient agree that: <br />a. Each party shall keep all information that is exchanged between them in the strictest <br />confidence and make such information available to their own employees only on a <br />"need -to -know" basis. <br />b. Each party shall provide security sufficient to ensure protection of confidential <br />information from improper use and disclosures, including sufficient administrative, <br />physical, and technical safeguards to protect this information from reasonable <br />unanticipated threats to the security or confidentiality of the information. <br />c. The Subrecipient agrees that information obtained under this subgrant agreement will <br />not be reproduced, published, sold or released in original or in any other form for <br />any purpose other than those specifically identified in this agreement. <br />1. Aggregate Summaries: All reports and/or publications developed by the <br />Subrecipient based on data obtained under this agreement shall contain <br />confidential data in aggregated or statistical summary form only. "Aggregated" <br />refers to a data output that does not allow identification of an individual or <br />employer unit. <br />2. Publication: Prior to publication, Subrecipient shall carefully analyze <br />aggregated data outputs to ensure the identity of individuals and/or employer <br />units cannot be inferred pursuant to California Unemployment Insurance Code <br />Section 1094(c). Personal identifiers must be removed. Geographic identifiers <br />should be specified only in large areas and as needed, and variables should be <br />recorded in order to protect confidentiality. <br />3. Minimum Data Cell Size: The minimum data cell size or derivation thereof shall <br />be three participants for any data table released to outside parties or to the <br />public. <br />Page 14 of 17 <br />