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14. Unenforceable Position <br />In the event that any provision of this subgrant agreement is unenforceable or held to <br />be unenforceable, then the parties agree that all other provisions of this subgrant <br />agreement have force and effect and shall not be affected hereby. <br />15. Accounting and Cash Management <br />a. Subrecipient will comply with controls, record keeping and fund accounting procedure <br />requirements of WIOA, federal and state regulations, and directives to ensure the <br />proper disbursal of, and accounting for, program funds paid to the Subrecipient and <br />disbursed by the Subrecipient, under this subgrant agreement. <br />b. Subrecipient will submit requests for cash to coincide with immediate cash needs and <br />assure that no excess cash is on deposit in their accounts or the accounts of any <br />sub -contracting service provider in accordance with procedures established by the <br />Pass -through Entity. Failure to adhere to these provisions may result in suspending <br />cash draw down privileges and providing funds through a reimbursement process. <br />c. The Pass -through Entity retains the authority to adjust specific amounts of cash <br />requested if the Pass -through Entity's records and subsequent verification with the <br />Subrecipient indicate that the Subrecipient has an excessive amount of cash in its <br />account. <br />d. Income (including interest income) generated as a result of the receipt of WIOA <br />activities, will be utilized in accordance with policy and procedures established by <br />the Pass -through Entity. Subrecipient will account for any such generated income <br />separately. <br />e. Subrecipient shall not be required to maintain a separate bank account but shall <br />separately account for WIOA funds on deposit. All funding under this subgrant <br />agreement, will be made by check or wire transfer payable to the Subrecipient for <br />deposit in Subrecipient's bank account or city and county governmental bank <br />accounts. <br />To provide for the necessary and proper internal controls, funds should be withdrawn <br />and disbursed by no less than two representatives of the Subrecipient. The Pass - <br />through Entity will have a lien upon any balance of WIOA funds in these accounts, <br />which will take priority over all other liens or claims. <br />16. Amendments <br />This subgrant agreement may be unilaterally modified by the Pass -through Entity under <br />the following circumstances: <br />a. There is an increase or decrease in federal or state funding levels. <br />b. A modification to the Subgrant is required in order to implement an adjustment to a <br />Subrecipient's plan. <br />c. Funds awarded to the Subrecipient have not been expended in accordance with the <br />schedule included in the approved Subrecipient's plan. After consultation with the <br />Subrecipient, the Pass -through Entity has determined that funds will not be spent in <br />a timely manner, and such funds are for that reason to the extent permitted by and in <br />a manner consistent with state and federal law, regulations and policies, reverting <br />to the Pass -through Entity. <br />d. There is a change in state and federal law or regulation requiring a change in the <br />provisions of this subgrant agreement. <br />e. An amendment is required to change the Subrecipient's name as listed on this <br />subgrant agreement. Upon receipt of legal documentation of the name change, the state <br />will process the amendment. Payment of invoices presented with a new name cannot be <br />paid prior to approval of said amendment. <br />Except as provided above, this subgrant agreement may be amended only in writing by the <br />mutual agreement of both parties. <br />17. Reporting <br />Subrecipient will compile and submit reports of activities, expenditures, status of <br />Page 8 of 17 <br />