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brs 4/25/22 <br />street, then a favorable vote of three -fourths of all City Councilmembers is <br />required. <br />(2) Otherwise, a ceremonial street application may be approved by a <br />majority vote of City Councilmembers. <br />(e) Waiver. If application is initiated by a current City Councilmember, the <br />requirements of subsections (a) through (c) may be waived by a majority vote of <br />the City Council. <br />(f) Resolution. Approval of the ceremonial street naming shall be made by City <br />Council resolution. <br />Sec. 33-263. - Effective date of ceremonial street name and end date. <br />(a) The ceremonial street name shall end ten (10) years after the date of the resolution <br />approving the ceremonial street name, provided that the City Council at its sole <br />discretion may select a longer or indefinite period. <br />(b) An applicant may re -apply for the ceremonial street name by the same process <br />detailed in this article. <br />Sec. 33-264. - Installation and replacement. <br />(a) Installation. The Director of the Public Works Agency, or his or her designee, is <br />responsible for the fabrication and installation of the ceremonial Sign Toppers. <br />(b) Replacement and Removal. Any ceremonial Sign Topper that has become torn, <br />damaged, defaced, or destroyed shall be repaired, replaced, or removed by the <br />City at the sole cost of applicant following written notice to applicant. <br />Sec. 33-265. - Authority of the Director. <br />The Director of Public Works is authorized to establish rules and procedures and <br />to produce signs, forms and other materials necessary or appropriate to implement the <br />provisions of this article. <br />Section 4. The City Council finds and determines that this ordinance is not <br />subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections <br />15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines because it will not result in a <br />direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, as there is <br />no possibility it will have a significant effect on the environment and it is not a "project", <br />as defined in Section 15378 of the CEQA Guidelines. <br />Section 5. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this <br />ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any <br />Ordinance No. NS-XXX <br />City Council 11 — 5 8/2/fn0 5 of 7 <br />