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1/30/2025 9:50:21 AM
Creation date
8/9/2022 8:48:05 AM
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P 19-7527
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(1) The transportation of property, unless the <br />28."Volunteer worker` means a person who is not <br />injury or damage arises out of a condition in <br />your "employee", and who donates his or her work <br />or on a vehicle not owned or operated by <br />and acts at the direction of and within the scope of <br />you, and that condition was created by the <br />duties determined by you, and is not paid a fee, <br />"loading or unloading" of that vehicle by any <br />salary or other compensation by you or anyone <br />insured; <br />else for their work performed for you. <br />(2) The existence of tools, uninstalled equip- <br />29."Your product": <br />ment or abandoned or unused materials; or <br />a. Means: <br />(3) Products or operations for which the classi- <br />fication, listed in the Declarations or in a <br />(1) Any goods or products, other than real <br />policy schedule, states that products- <br />property, <br />rt roproperty, manufactured, sold, handled, dis- <br />completed operations are subject to the <br />or disposed of by: <br />General Aggregate Limit. <br />(a) You; <br />24."Property damage" means: <br />(b) Others trading under your name; or. <br />a. Physical injury to tangible property, including <br />(c) A person or organization whose busi- <br />all resulting loss of use of that property. All <br />ness or assets you have acquired; and <br />such loss of use shall be deemed to occur at <br />(2) Containers (other than vehicles), materials, <br />the time of the physical injury that caused it; or <br />parts or equipment furnished in connection <br />b. Loss of use of tangible property that is not <br />with such goods or products. <br />physically injured. All such loss of use shall be <br />b. Includes: <br />deemed to occur at the time of the "occur- <br />rence" that caused it. <br />(1) Warranties or representations made at any <br />For the purposes of this insurance, electronic data <br />time with respect to the fitness, quality, du - <br />rability, performance or use of "your prod - <br />is not tangible property. <br />ucV; and <br />As used in this definition, electronic data means <br />(2) The providing of or failure to provide warn - <br />information, facts or programs stored as or on, <br />created or used on, or transmitted to or from com- <br />ings or instructions. <br />puter software, including systems and applications <br />c. Does not include vending machines or other <br />g <br />software, hard or floppy disks, CD-ROMS, tapes, <br />ro r <br />property y rented to or located for the use of oth- <br />drives, cells, data processing devices or any other <br />ers but not sold. <br />media which are used with electronically con- <br />30."Your work": <br />trolled equipment. <br />a. Means: <br />25. "Silica" means silica in any form (including sili- <br />(1) Work or operations performed by you or on <br />cates or other similar silicon compounds), includ- <br />your behalf; and <br />ing its presence or use in any alloy, by-product, <br />compound or other material or waste. Waste in- <br />(2) Materials, parts or equipment furnished in <br />cludes materials to be recycled, reconditioned or <br />connection with such work or operations. <br />reclaimed. <br />b. Includes: <br />26."Suit" means a civil proceeding in which damages <br />(1) Warranties or representations made at any <br />for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal <br />time with respect to the fitness, quality, du - <br />and advertising injury' to which this insurance ap- <br />rability, performance or use of "your work", <br />plies are alleged. "Suit" includes: <br />and <br />a. An arbitration proceeding in which such dam- <br />(2) The providing of or failure to provide warn - <br />ages are claimed and to which the insured <br />ings or instructions, <br />must submit or does submit with our consent; <br />or <br />b. Any other alternative dispute resolution pro- <br />ceeding in which such damages are claimed <br />and to which the insured submits with our con- <br />sent. <br />27."Temporary worker' means a person who is fur- <br />nished to you to substitute for a permanent "em- <br />ployee" on leave or to meet seasonal or short-term <br />workload conditions. <br />rt�onmm c <br />Page 16 of 16 Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties, Form 10• <br />Inc., with its permission 7ou acaa <br />Ruk Mana9vmn,I Clmrzl Aitle <br />
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