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Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
09/20/2022 Special and Regular
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9/21/2022 1:34:23 PM
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9/20/2022 11:41:53 AM
City Clerk
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Dear Mayor Sarmiento and Councilmembers of the City of Santa Ana, <br />As the council considers lowering cannabis taxes, it is important to understand that cannabis <br />taxation doesn't just impact cannabis business owners, but also has a huge impact on <br />thousands of workers employed in the industry. We are asking that you make sure that any <br />updates to cannabis taxation and policy in Santa Ana keep these goals in mind: <br />Tax Breaks for Living Wage Jobs — <br />Specifically, we are asking that if taxes are lowered for cannabis operators, priority should be <br />given to employers who pay their employees at least 115% of minimum wage, offer the <br />majority of workers full-time hours, and assure that drivers are reimbursed appropriately for <br />using their vehicles. <br />Incentivize on the Job Training for Career Pathways — <br />Provide on-the-job paid training opportunities with state -certified programs to create career <br />pathways, create an on -ramp into the industry for community members, and promote growth <br />from within. <br />Prioritize Social Equity & Local Hiring — <br />The cannabis industry should be providing pothwoys to low-income families and those directly <br />impacted by the war on drugs in our community, not penalizing those communities. To that <br />end, we ask that any updated cannabis policy in the city removes the current requirements <br />that make it impossible for individuals with drug convictions in the preceding four years to <br />work in the industry. It should prioritize and require local hiring of Santa Ana residents in the <br />industry. Finally, newly generated tax revenue from the industry should be invested specifically <br />in social programs that directly support low-income residents in our city. <br />Expand Access to Regulated and Legal Cannabis — <br />By allowing newer uses like on -site consumption lounges and lowering retail tax in addition to <br />manufacturing and cultivation taxes, we can help to expand access to legal and regulated <br />cannabis as opposed to pushing the community to purchase in the illicit market. <br />As you consider updates to cannabis policy, it is important to keep in mind that this <br />industry cannot exist without the workers who make our dispensaries, cultivations, <br />manufacturing and testing labs run. We are proud of the work we do and want to make <br />sure that Santa Ana is rewarding operators who recognize the value of their workers. <br />
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