�Y AIlu114. YIII t',li �ilil1 r119' di;dll'„➢N71ifll.d
<br />44
<br />October 4, 2022
<br />11amm w, Dmi"crol?'s
<br />Sent by email to eComment(ea�,santa-ana.or
<br />E..A'd'ruhr e Board
<br />2PFb'r CW
<br />,(, 1 (111110
<br />V (o h'Pb' l *W
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<br />Mayor Sarmiento and Members of the City Council
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<br />City of Santa Ana
<br />h.vn It Ilriyh
<br />20 Civic Center Plaza
<br />f'as't f'res'fdrrlt
<br />rrilk'I
<br />Santa Ana, California 92701
<br />N.odnrl tndrrson
<br />P�eilh (Irnhi.�,er
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<br />RE: Council Agenda Item #25: Adoption of Ordinance amending the Rent
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<br />Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction Ordinances
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<br />Honorable Mayor and Council Members:
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<br />M "`d
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<br />The Manufactured Housing Educational Trust (MHET) represents mobile home park and
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<br />manufactured housing community owners in Santa Ana and the Southern California tri-
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<br />county region of Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Over the past forty
<br />1 �g ili
<br />years, we have had an excellent working relationship with the city in resolving mobile
<br />Mill 1rP1 Iwo
<br />home park issues and in providing rental assistance for residents of our Parks.
<br />A" "`° y ConinWfe
<br />Unfortunately, rent control was adopted over our strong objections and the submittal of
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<br />substantial evidence that rent control or rent stabilization was not an appropriate action.
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<br />We are now submitting comments and recommendations on the current proposed
<br />u�« 111o111t,,
<br />11 19t, <Z111111111
<br />amendments to the original ordinance adopted by the City Council in November 2021.
<br />ht,W Pr•d'.wNCCd'Ws
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<br />Request Prior Comments to be made part of the Record
<br />\Si111 un \tiller
<br />�r11d�11 rrl 11�11BL •iL
<br />(;eu, Uo uyhcc 'I
<br />When the discussion of adopting rent control/rent stabilization and eviction regulations
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<br />ti I (,ilbc1I
<br />came before the city council, our organization and our members submitted numerous
<br />m r 111dr111oer
<br />written comments and participated in public comments objecting to the adoption of rent
<br />i,o1,�1r r1,11r,
<br />;I" Woo
<br />control control and just cause evictions. Our comments were all on the record and provided
<br />Pteilli r 1�11h1ser
<br />detailed factual support for our opposition. Those comments remain relevant today. We
<br />respectfully request that all of our previous comments placed on the record remain on the
<br />ail 11(11`(111I`I'0`1' `
<br />record as relevant to the discussion of proposed amendments to the ordinance on the
<br />V\1nn IlolnbluF
<br />II 1111 r II l I„ 110
<br />agenda tonight.
<br />i{.0 (r1�PA SII (1CrfrOR
<br />nnI�I tlll � rr 111Br
<br />D,Phnie I rMereniew
<br />To address the new revisions and amendments that have been added to the ordinance, we
<br />Award d dine "N�',ANd'Wx
<br />yIII111 rr,,do11 ('m Goldr11
<br />are in full agreement and support of the comments submitted for the record by the
<br />o1,n `I�`'1` l� III, I" 2411 "1�"
<br />ir..r i 111�11�r�rr
<br />Western Manufactured Housing Communities Association (WMA) dated today and the
<br />r 1��� vv,",1 I,'�N
<br />September 30, 2022 letter from the Loftin Bedell Law Firm representing Kingsley
<br />111r I1I , � I,,;�,
<br />Management.
<br />lbore and Beyond
<br />Award Rd'tl°glANd'r• x
<br />V,i,li� rr111CL
<br />Requested Modifications Recommendations
<br />°r�nlrl Arl„,ill
<br />r�111 r<
<br />,ll,l
<br />�' "1'1 '` "°;°"
<br />ir1,�11 r1,11r,
<br />1. Clarification of Section 8-3147 — Exemptions (page
<br />°' rr IIr111
<br />rin�l rl,l��
<br />This section should simply be clarified by correcting "Section 798.17" to specifically
<br />�11111 I;��;1<<�:III�Ir1
<br />7amr,�Go[ick
<br />include "(b)" after 798.17 to read as follows (addition noted in bold iu lli d):
<br />E..A'd'r?Mr e ddgP"d'tllor
<br />lir.'hir Ill(,
<br />%,j%li Pasco €,lC.dl•£f f(( sun (S LAJ * r,fryuwr MUS, COfi)IO(r 9,M,7 r - der' om, (90) 80J0J * d"( A' (90) J803NO
<br />Inland eIti'NNldre dn'd'presenheNre
<br />L'm(W £ )r1' Nfff('( cwn - bf'ebn"ih, ffY("w lldw(colna,
<br />UolwlI i'ui1
<br />Soul1 ern California 111thI"Yerd inp Orddddpe, Riro' ide ddddre! San Bernardino 11,aunl es since 198
<br />