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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS <br />FOR <br />ON -CALL WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING SERVICES <br />RFP NO. 22-002 <br />Proposals shall explicitly state which category listed above (1-5) is being proposing on. If there <br />are any exceptions to the core of requested services above, proposers shall list said exceptions in <br />their proposal (matrix form). <br />GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROJECT DELIVERABLES <br />The Consultant's services for plans specifications and estimates (PS&E) for engineering projects <br />and special studies/investigations shall be in conformance, if applicable, with the following: Title <br />24 of the California Code of Regulations (California Building Standards Code), American Water <br />Works Association, California Department of Transportation, Americans with Disabilities Act, <br />City of Santa Ana Municipal Cade (SAMC), professional Standards established by the City, and <br />any other federal, state, or local guidelines required in the project. <br />As part of the PS&,E package, the Consultant shall prepare the special provisions pertaining to the <br />items of work included in the plans that are not addressed on the latest editions of the applicable <br />standards. <br />The Consultant shall have complete responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of all <br />documents and plans prepared. The plans will be reviewed by the City of Santa Ana for conformity <br />with the requirements of the Agreement. Reviews by the City of Santa Ana. DO NOT include <br />detailed review or checking of design for the accuracy with which such designs are depicted in the <br />documents and the plans. The documents and plans furnished under the Agreement shall be of a <br />quality acceptable to the City of Santa Ana. The criteria for acceptance shall be a product of neat <br />appearance, well organized, technically and grammatically correct, checked and dated, and having <br />the maker and checker identified. <br />The Consultant shall have project management control procedures in effect during the entire time <br />work is being performed under the Agreement. This task shall include the fallowing: <br />* Project Management Plan- the consultant shall provide a detail management plan including <br />information and coordination with other agencies to ensure compliance and completion of <br />the (PS&) packages. This plan shall include all milestones and task breakdown for each <br />of the tasks and subtasks included therein. The project management shall be submitted to <br />the Project Manager for review and within 15 calendar days of the issued .Notice to Proceed <br /># Deliverables <br />• Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QAfQC) Plan. <br />® Project Schedule/Invoicing <br />a Project Correspondence <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 22-002 <br />Page A-7 <br />