<br />replacement of the tank. Following the submittal of the
<br />preliminary design report, the District opted to replace the
<br />tank in the existing footprint. MINIS designed the 45-foot-
<br />diameter, 194,000-gallon welded steel tank, which included
<br />an engineered aggregate pier foundation.
<br />Los Feliz Drive Waterline Improvements, City of
<br />Thousand Oaks, CA. Design Lead. As part of the Los
<br />Feliz Sidewalks Improvement project, the City desired to
<br />replace the aging water infrastructure along Los Feliz
<br />Drive. Water system improvements include replacing
<br />existing water main with approximately 1,400 linear feet
<br />of 10-inch PVC, as well as water service laterals, valves,
<br />and other components.
<br />Upper Country Club Drive Pipeline Replacement
<br />Project, City of Burbank Water and Power, CA.
<br />QA/QC Engineer. This conceptual and detailed design
<br />project will replace approximately 1,400 feet of existing
<br />six-inch water main with a new six-inch pipeline,
<br />including replacement of the water storage tank
<br />connections. The preliminary design evaluated
<br />alternative alignments for replacing the existing water
<br />main with an upgraded six-inch ductile iron pipeline in a
<br />narrow canyon roadway impacted with several utility
<br />lines. No alignments could meet California Waterworks
<br />Standards criteria for separation from utility lines carrying
<br />non -potable fluids, so coordination with the Division of
<br />Drinking Water (DDW) to determine the preferred
<br />alignment was required. Responsibilities include quality
<br />assurance/quality control reviews.
<br />Thousand Oaks Boulevard Waterline Improvements,
<br />City of Thousand Oaks, CA. QA/QC Engineer. As part
<br />of the Thousand Oaks Boulevard Streetscape
<br />Improvement project, this project will replace the aging
<br />water infrastructure along Thousand Oaks Boulevard and
<br />Los Feliz Drive. This project will remove and replace 160
<br />linear feet of an existing 4-inch water main with a new
<br />10-inch pipe; abandon and replace 240 linear feet of
<br />existing 6-inch water main with a new 10-inch pipe;
<br />remove and replace 60 linear feet of existing 10-inch
<br />water main with a new 10-inch pipe; and remove and
<br />replace 10 service laterals and corresponding water
<br />meters, 11 main valves, and three fire hydrants. MINIS is
<br />providing engineering design and support services.
<br />Water and Power Campus Stormwater Improvement
<br />Project, City of Burbank Water and Power, CA. Project
<br />Manager. This $4M project included preliminary design,
<br />detailed design, permitting support services, and
<br />engineering services during construction. The preliminary
<br />design for this project evaluated alternatives for the
<br />Ecocampus to comply with the new stormwater discharge
<br />Tyler Hunt, PE, QSD/QSP I RESUME PG 2
<br />quality standards. Following preliminary analysis, a
<br />preferred project was identified and recommended for
<br />detailed design, permitting and construction. The detailed
<br />design will install an underground storage, infiltration, and
<br />reuse system to pre -treat and capture to up 273,000
<br />gallons of stormwater. Once captured, the water can be
<br />either used onsite as cooling tower make up water or
<br />infiltrated to the local ground water basin. The project
<br />involves construction of an 800-gallon-per-minute
<br />submersible stormwater transfer pump station and 12-
<br />inch-diameter force main pipeline to convey water from the
<br />underground storage and infiltration basin for use in the
<br />plant cooling process. The project also constructs 360 feet
<br />of new 36-inch-diameter off -site storm drain pipeline in the
<br />Magnolia Boulevard and N. Varney Street right-of-way and
<br />new connection to the Burbank Western Channel.
<br />Sewer Main Replacements, City of Lompoc, CA.
<br />Project Manager. This multiphase infrastructure project
<br />replaced over 5,000 linear feet of existing gravity sewer
<br />mains. Construction elements include trenchless pipe
<br />installation, traffic control plans, overlapping easements,
<br />Caltrans right-of-way (RAM for encroachment on State
<br />Route 1, and multiple Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR)
<br />crossings. MNS provided land surveying and civil
<br />engineering services, including engineered construction
<br />plans, site verification, and agency coordination support.
<br />Sewer Main Replacements, City of Lompoc, CA.
<br />Project Manager. This multiphase infrastructure project
<br />replaced over 5,000 linear feet of existing gravity sewer
<br />mains. Construction elements include trenchless pipe
<br />installation, traffic control plans, overlapping easements.
<br />Caltrans right-of-way (R/W) for encroachment on State
<br />Route 1, and multiple Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR)
<br />crossings. MINIS provided land surveying and civil
<br />engineering services, including engineered construction
<br />plans, site verification, and agency coordination support.
<br />Robin Hill Road Sewer Main Replacement, Goleta
<br />Sanitary District, CA. QA/QC Manager. This project
<br />provides planning and design services for the
<br />replacement of 1,250 linear feet of 10-inch-diameter
<br />vitrified clay sewer pipe located in Robin Hill Road in
<br />Goleta, CA. Construction for the project will include
<br />ground dewatering and sewer bypassing. The preliminary
<br />design effort included field survey, sewer flow monitoring,
<br />desktop review of geotechnical studies within the project
<br />area, and preparation of Basis of Design report for sewer
<br />replacement. Field survey determined the sewer includes
<br />a vertical sag in profile resulting in loss of hydraulic
<br />capacity.
<br />